Chapter 30

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"Hey, Nova... I have a question." Astra said hesitantly as they say around their campfire that night.

"Yes? What is it?" Nova responded.

"That guy- Jericho- was an Alpha? And you said he was a part of the Oceana tribe? I thought the only shifters left were called Astros. Are there more?"

Everyone waited patiently for Nova's answer.

"Yes. There are many more shifters. But not as much as I recall. Before the Astros were wiped out, I believe there were five tribes total. Each with around five or six packs each.  Astros, Oceana, Boulder, Phoenix, and Scirocco.

All tribe names represent what element their packs protect. Astros protect the stars. Oceana protect water. Boulder protects earth. Phoenix protect fire. Scirocco protects wind.

We all have sacred objects linked to what we protect. The Orb of Astros is Astros' relic. I'm not too sure about the other tribe's relics, but they all have something to do with their element most definitely.

Packs now days mostly consist of 10-30 members. Compared to our numbers in the 1400s when we were at our peak, our numbers are miniscule." Nova looks at Astra. "Anything else?"

"Oh um... If Jericho was not a part of your pack, why did he act like you were old friends?"

"Well, when I was younger he was like an uncle of sorts to me. You see, whenever a meeting was called between Astros and Oceana he would come with his son. My father was the chief of the Astros, but I was raised by the delta and his mate. My sister is not actually my biological sister. Aquaria was their child. Chief said it was was something to do with my safety."

"I also recall you saying that he killed the... Luna?"

"Yes. When Jericho's father died, Jericho was sworn in as alpha. Jericho was always greedy in the end I guess. Always biting off more than he could chew as well. He was never very patient and was short tempered.

He wanted more power, so he decided to try to take over the Astros pack as well. The Galaxy wolf, also known as the Wolf of the Universe, didn't take long to step in, but before the Galaxy wolf was able to get here, the Luna had already been slayed."

"Who and what exactly is a Galaxy wolf?" Remus asked, intrigued.

"Well, the Galaxy wolf has supreme power over all shifters and werewolves. Normally, the Galaxy wolf is a she-wolf, but in some rare documented cases there has been one or two male Galaxy wolves. An even rarer case than a male galaxy wolves are twin galaxy wolves.

Their life-spans can last decades. Technically, though, they are not immortal. They can be killed, but old age will not be a factor. They mostly stop aging in their mid twenties." Nova gives a thoughtful pause. "Any other questions?"

Everyone looked at each other before turning back to Nova and shaking their heads.

"Good. Now you all get to bed. I'll keep watch."

"But Nova. You are injured. I'm sure one of us could easily take watch for tonight."

"Remus. Have some faith. I'll be fine. Get some sleep. Full moon's in a few days. You'll need as much rest as you can get."

"Fine. Good night, Nova."

"Night, Remus."

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