Chapter 7

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It had been a few weeks since Hope and Lyall had taken me in. In that time period, we had went out and got me clothes and toiletries. Remus and I have become great friends. As of the moment we are all sitting in the living room. Hope is knitting, Lyall is reading, and Remus is teaching me how to play gobstones.

We had just finished our game when a knock sounded throughout the house.

I watched as Hope sat up and walked over towards the door.

She opened it to reveal a man. The man was tall and had kind of blue eyes behind half-moon glasses. His long, white beard was swaying slightly in the breeze as Hope stood there.

"And who might you be?" She asked looking the man up and down skeptically.

"Forgive me for showing up out of the the blue, I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," he said, " I have come to discuss matters regarding your son's schooling."

"I'm sorry, sir, but, Lyall was planning on homeschooling Remus." she told him. By then, Lyall had stood up and walked over to where his wife was talking at the door.

"Professor!" Lyall gasped in surprise, " What's brought you here today might I ask?"

"Hello, Lyall. I have come to discuss matters regarding Remus' schooling. May I come in?" The professor said patiently.

"Of course!" Lyall exclaimed, moving to the side so the professor could move inside.

Albus Dumbledore P.O.V.

As I walked inside the Lupin residence, I sensed a great surge of magic. There was someone or something that was very powerful here.

"Right this way," Lyall said leading me to a room I assumed to be the living room. Sitting on the couch were two children.

The boy had sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Remus. The girl had black hair with streaks of white racing through it and violet eyes.

I sat down on one of the chairs across from them.

The girl eyed me wearily as Hope took a seat next to her son and Lyall took a seat in a chair off to the side.

"Hello, Remus! My name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the head master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," I introduced myself. His eyes widened as he nodded his head in acknowledgement, "I understand that you are a werewolf?"

Remus visibly tensed up. The girl did, too.

I then realized the source of the power surge was coming from her. She looked familiar. Like an old friend of mine.

"Yes, I am a werewolf." Remus confirmed.

"Well, Remus, I was told that you're father was thinking about homeschooling you. Is that true?" I asked. I wanted to see what he thought about being home school. If he wanted to come to Hogwarts or not.

"Yes, it is true. As much as I was love to go to Hogwarts, every full moon, the students in teachers would be in danger." Remus told me, his head hung low.

"What if I told you there was a way for you to go to Hogwarts without worrying about harming other people every month?"

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