Chapter 20

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We're gonna fast forward to second  year... Heh...  because I have no ideas whatsoever at this moment.

"Remus! Calm down! It was just a little prank!"


"Leave  it, James," I heard and turned to Nova, "that was not a very funny prank."


"You almost killed somebody!"

I felt my eyes widen... Nova never yelled and was always kind. But now her eyes were steely and her face bloomed a deep red.

"I hardly call pouring polish in a hallway deadly..." I say looking into her eyes.

"It is when it someone is carrying their potions ingredients. Do you know what would have happen if Severus had fallen and the ingredients mixed together?! Especially the liquid ones?"

"What do you care?"

Just them I stepped back as Nova growled. Actually growled. It was animalistic and her violet eyes glowed slightly.

She pushed me roughly up against the wall.

"I care because it would have seriously injured him, you insolent boy. It could have even killed him and his death would be on your shoulders. Do you really want to bear the weight of that?" She growled in my ear.

"N-no." I stammer quickly.


And she's gone in a matter of seconds.

I race back to the dorms and burst into Sirius, Remus, Peter, and I's room.

"Guys! You won't believe what I just saw!"

"What is it, James? If it was Evans in the library again we don't care." Remus says looking up from his book.

"No... It's about Nova. I think she's hiding something..."

"Like what?" Sirius asked tilting his head.

"Like she cornered me after I pulled a prank on Snivellus and growls and her eyes glow."

Remus tenses.

"I have to go." He says and rushes out of the room.

I know I know... I said I'd update and then I didn't because I got writer's block and things didn't work out...

A Shifter Secret (Under MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now