Chapter 24

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It took a few hours but dawn came. Nova went back into the shack and grabbed a blanket.

She put it over Remus and waited.

Soon the large form shrunk. 

"Good morning, Sunshine. You had a rough night." Nova says looking at a confused Remus.

"Nova? Why are we outside?"

"Well, two idiots decided to take down the barriers and you smashed a wall and kept you away from said idiots who decided not to leave."

Remus slowly looked over fearfully to see James and Sirius putting on their innocent angel faces and Astra yelling at them.

"They know?"

Nova nods her head.

"What about you?"

"Gave them a one word clue. Astros. See if they can figure it out."

"All by themselves? That's doubtful."

"Hey, Remus! Good to see you awake! Nova did a good number on you last night!"

"Shut up, Sirius! You have no right to talk after what you and James did!"

"I'd shut up. You don't want to be on Nova's bad side."

"Nova doesn't have a bad side." James laughs from over on a log.

"I have a bad side you just haven't seen it yet." She growled and helped Remus up.

"What are you anyway?"


"What are you, Nova?"

"Ummmmmm... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Nova... You know you can trust them. You are best friends with Astra for crying out loud!"

"Not here," Nova replied while looking around wearily.

"Fine, we'll talk in our dorm." Remus agreed.

"You guys better go before Madam Pomfrey comes."

They nod and walk back to the school.

About ten minutes later Madam Pomfrey comes and gapes at the wreckage from the night before.

"What happened here?!" She asks with her eyebrows raised.

A Shifter Secret (Under MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now