Twenty Nine

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yoongi stood in front of the large house. deciding whether or not he should knock. jimin's mother couldn't be the killer of his parents, but he remembered what jungkook had said.

"stop being a pussy and go! what can she do? beat you?"

so he knocked, waiting patiently as he heard shuffling coming from inside. "ah, yoongi! what brings you here?" jimin's mother answered the door and yoongi saw the ring on her finger. he gulped before speaking, "uh i just wanted to ask a few questions. mind if i come in?" she stared blankly at him before letting him in.

they made theirs way towards the dining room and sat across from each other. yoongi was nervous, nervous at the fact that he might accuse her of killing his parents when it might not even be her. "yoongi what's wrong? you seem restless," she gently placed a hand over his, the golden ring gleaming.

"i just wanted to ask did you happen to know me before jimin first mentioned me?" he finally built up the courage to look her in her face. he watched her face for any signs of discomfort, the last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable.

she sighed, taking her hand away from yoongi's. "yes, yoongi i did. you and that boy jungkook." his eyes widened. "h-how?" he leaned back in his seat, knowing this conversation would take awhile. luckily he texted jimin that he was going bowling with his friends and was surprised he actually brought that.

"the jeons, mins, and me and my husband were really good friends. would you be surprised if i told you that i've known them since you were born?"

"so your mrs.min that my mother would always take about." he remembered being very small. though he doesn't really recognize her face he remembered his mother always going out with jungkook's mom and a woman named jisoo.

"you're jisoo?" she nodded, a small smile on her face. "so you were really close to my parents? do you know how they died! who did it!" yoongi became excited, maybe...just maybe he would be able to find the killer of his parents and find justice. he smiled, but his smile quickly turned to a frown when he saw the look on her face.

she had a smirk on her face as she picked at her nails. "i killed them. well actually me and my husband. though i don't think you could put me in jail considering the fact that there is no evidence because we made sure to clean the area and wipe away your parents." yoongi's jaw dropped, his eyes watering.

"! you killed them?" she nodded, smiling. "your parents along with the jeons. at first we never expected them to be cannibals. but there was this one incident where your mother accidentally cut me as i was helping her make food and for some reason she was staring deeply at my finger and at the blood that was trickling down onto the counter. jungkook's mother walked in and she had the same expression and that's when i knew."

"i did it to protect my baby jimin, now that he married you, i'm afraid i might have to get rid of you. but i can't because my son is deeply in love with you." yoongi was enraged. the next few moments were a blur. yoongi's eyes were a light shade of red and he had a wicked grin on his face.

he slowly stood up and walked over to jisoo, who watched his every move. she figured he was going to apologize for bothering her but she didn't expect for his hands to wrap around her throat. he squeezed tightly, making sure she wasn't getting any air. "you fucking, killed my parents and you sit here acting like it's a normal thing," he growled, tightening his grip on her throat.

"you actually have the audacity to sit here and talk about my parents as if they're nothing?" he drags her all the way to the wall, slamming her with so much force that he ignored the cracks from her body and the fallen paintings. "do you know how much pain i went through, knowing that my parents were dead?" her face was now turning a shade of purple.

"i should have killed you along with your parents," she managed to snap. she let out an agonizing scream as yoongi bit onto the side of her neck, ripping the flesh from her body. "what's going..." mr.parks voice trailed off, seeing the sight. yoongi threw her body aside as he ran towards mr.park who began running away.

yoongi jumped onto his back, also bitting onto his neck, making him scream. "you were in on it too? and i was starting to like you," yoongi grinned, watching mr.park tremble beneath him. when he was sure mr.park was dead, he began dissembling their body, making sure there was no traces of killing, though he knew it would take a long time.

yoongi actually didn't feel bad at all. he took his phone out of his pocket, calling jimin. after a few rings jimin finally answered the phone, screaming.

"where are you! don't you know how late it is mr!"

"did you know that your parents killed my parents?"


"so you did know."

yoongi hung up the phone. he was enraged. mad at the fact that his husband would keep such a secret from him. placing his phone back in his pocket, he stormed out of the house and into his car, breathing heavily, he could see his eyes still shone red in the rear view mirror and smirked.

he was going to give jimin a piece of his mind.



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omg so next chapter.


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