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"what? what's going on?" he disregarded the throbbing pain in his head. he attempted to move but realized he was tied down to the dining chair. "daddy," he turned his head to his daughter who was also tied down, dry blood on her head. "baby it's okay, don't cry, be brave okay? i'll get us out of these ropes." he doesn't know how to get out of the ropes but he was willing to try.

"i don't think so," he flinched at the familiar voice, yoongi walked out of the kitchen, holding a sharp knife. "daddy! she cries, squirming around in her seat. jimin stayed quiet, following yoongi's every move. yoongi strolled over to the dining table, sitting across from his husband and daughter.

"y-your eyes," jimin murmured looking at yoongi's red eyes. "daddy your eyes are red!" she had stopped crying and was now interested in yoongi's eyes. "that right princess, but you know what else is red?" she shook her head.

"blood," he rose up from his seat and walked over to sana, standing behind her. "now i want you to count to three alright, and jimin you better be watching," sana nodded. she seemed confused but nevertheless started counting to three.



"three!" jimin yelled, seeing yoongi swipe the knife across his daughter's neck. blood was flowing down her body, staining her purple dress. yoongi took some blood, licking his fingers as he moaned at the taste. "delicious," he began untying her, lifting her lifeless body over his shoulder. "now you sit still while i make us dinner," he smirked, walking into the kitchen.

"oh my god! oh my god!" he muttered, looking around. he remembered he had his phone in his pocket. "siri, call jungkook," he heard the rings and then jungkook saying "wassup!"

"jungkook! listen to me! it's yoongi! he turned! he just slashed a knife across sana'a throat, please come, quick," he broke down into tears. his beloved daughter was dead and the murderer was her own father. "i love company," yoongi strolled back into the room, sitting back down in his seat and lifting his legs on the dining table.

"yoongi, this isn't you...please i need my yoongi back," yoongi scoffed. "so you knew how my parents died, but yet you never told me?" jimin, lifted his head.

"i didn't want to tell you because i knew something like this would happen. so i decided to keep it, and i know i shouldn't have but god, you were doing so well yoongi, i just couldn't tell you. i eventually was going to tell you, when you were on the verge of dying in the hospital bed." he chuckled. he noticed yoongi's eyes shift to his soft brown color before shifting back to red.

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