Chapter Two: Girl Named Dante

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    “Dad, you're not seriously sticking up for Octavius again, are you?” I ask him angrily as he shoves me in the passenger seat of his red GMC truck.

    “I'm mad at both of you. You two bicker more than any pair of siblings I know,” he snaps before slamming the door then climbing into the driver seat.

    “Where are we going?” I ask him quietly as I look over at the rear-view mirror outside the truck window. My eyes lock in on my reflection.

    My ashy blonde brows are scrunched together in anger. My light brown eyes are cold...there's no sign of warmth in them. Fair skin and short ashy blonde hair.

    I'm just a typical bitter teenager: mad at the world and having homicide thoughts about my mother and brother.

    “I'm taking you to Garry's house. I might as well since you sneak out of the house during the night.”

    “You know about that?” I ask him in surprise as I look over at me.

    “Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Who do you see at night, by the way?” he asks me curiously. “Some girl?”

    “Nah. I just go over to Garry's house during the night,” I lie smoothly. Of course, I go to a girl's house during the night. Why else would I leave?

    Dad drops me off at Garry's trailer trash place in this trailer park that's just a mile down from my house. Without any words of goodbye, I leave the truck and just walk over the trash in the yard then go inside Garry's trailer.

    “Yo, Garry!” I yell as I come in and shut the door behind me.

    I frown when I see Garry's bong on the couch, and there's a bunch of empty beer cans scattered on the floor. My eyes narrow when I hear music coming from down the hallway that leads to Garry's room. Picture frames that were hanging on the walls are now on the floor broken or just lying there.

    Seconds later, I hear Garry's girlfriend moaning so loud even over the damn music. So I just go into the kitchen to find me something to eat as I try to ignore the moaning. But then, I just walk outside. I'm surprised at myself for eating. I have issues with eating and other things. Plus, pop-tarts are nothing but empty calories and a stupid sugary pastry that will make me feel like shoving my finger down my throat later on. 

    “Where the hell do you think you're going?” a obese woman yells angrily as she chases this skinny man only wearing his boxers and...flip flops?

    The obese woman wears lingerie that's a bit too small and red heels. She chases the man down the gravel road that leads up to the highway.

    I casually eat my pop-tart as I sit down on the wooden steps of the trailer as I watch this couple yell at each other as they run.

    It's just a normal day in this trailer park.

    Soon after, there's a cute, small girl that's around my age that chases after them. At least she's wearing something more appropriate. It's something simple like green shorts and a blue tank top. But soon comes to a stop as she shakes her head.

    With a frown, I stand up and walk towards the girl slowly. “You need some help?” I ask her.

    The girl looks over at me with her strange eyes and immediately starts messing with her short dark brown hair. Her pale skin contrasts prominently against her dark hair. “ I just...” she sighs as her thin shoulders slump. “They're fighting again.”

    “Are...they your parents? 'Cause I've never seen you here before,” I say bluntly as I take a bite out of my pop-tart. I guess I'm trying to act all macho when really I have no idea what I'm doing. I guess, like every other guy, I just want to impress a girl and hope I get lucky. I've never had a girlfriend...I've never been kissed. Girls seem to like a pushy asshole anyways. 

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