Chapter Thirty: Helping Hand

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    Dante presses her lips against mine as she hugs me gently. “How are you doing today?” she asks me quietly.

    “I'm all right,” I tell her. “ you think you'll be able to stay here...or is your mom-”

    “My mom hates my guts,” Dante says with a laugh. “She's still the same...but she needed me because she had that heart attack, you know? So I had to take care of her...but I'd do anything to get away from her.”

    “Mm...” I mumble as I kiss her lips. “You should stay here with me then.”

    “Don't mind if I do...I've missed you,” she tells me gently as she presses her lips against mine again.

    I groan against her lips when she rolls on top of me. My back doesn't hurt too bad under the pressure...but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be doing this.

    Dante sits up, sitting on my crotch, which hurts really bad too...I miss my balls.

    “I'm not hurting you, am I?” Dante asks with concern.

    “No,” I grunt as I frown deeply. But I force myself to smile. “I'm fine.”

    She slides her hands up my shirt.

    “Wait, no,” I say quickly.

    Dante frowns deeply when she feels the brand mark Rath did to me. “What's this?” she asks me with a frown.

    “Nothing. I want to stop. That's enough for today,” I say quickly as I try to push her hands away.

    She can't see the whore brand that Rath gave me. She can't see it...please...

    “No...what are you hiding from me?” Dante asks me with a frown as she tries to lift my shirt.

    “No! No, don't!” I yell as I try to push her away from me.

    She doesn't listen to me and tries to push my shirt up.

    Her eyes widen in horror when she sees the brand. “ God...”

    “Don't look at it...” I whisper as my eyes begin to water.

    “Rem...did Rath do this to you?” Dante asks me as she looks down at the brand.

    “Yeah...” I say as I turn my head to look away from her.

    “You're not a whore,'re not a whore,” Dante says quietly as she trails her finger over the W...then the H...O...R...E.

    “Then why do I feel like one?” I ask her quietly.

    Dante leans down and to kiss my lips. “Whatever Rath did to you won't change how I feel about you. I don't care, Rem...You don't care that I'm a why should I care about this?”

    “There's more, Dante,” I say through clenched jaws as I close my eyes tightly to hide my shame.

    “ you mean? Rath did something else to you?” Dante asks angrily. “What did he do to you, Rem?”

    My body begins to tremble as I shake my head. I can't say it...I just can't. Instead, my hands just move over the button of my pants.

    Dante's eyes narrow suspiciously as she moves off me, brushes away my hands, and starts unbuttoning my pants.

    “No...please don't,” I whisper in shame as I shake my head.

    “I won't hurt you, Rem,” Dante promises as she pulls my pants and boxers down gently.

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