Chapter Twenty-Two: Heart Attack

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    Dad doesn't take Dante and I home just yet. First, he takes us to the school so I can get the homework I missed. Luckily, it wasn't too much.

    I even run into Rath in the front office.

    “Hey, Rath,” I say with a tired smile.

    His eyes widen when he sees me. “Holy smokes, Remiel. You look horrible,” he says in horror. “No offense.”

    “None taken. I know I look like crap,” I say with a frown. “Tempest told me that the old principal is gone.”

    “Thank God,” Rath mutters as he rolls his eyes, but then his expression softens. “I'm sorry about your eating disorders...I knew...but I had no right to say anything. Your mother shouldn't have posted your business on Facebook like that.”

    “She shouldn't have done many things,” I say with a frown.

    Rath nods as he places his hand on my shoulder. “If I were you, I'd just miss Friday tomorrow. You need to rest. You don't look like you have the energy to do anything at all.”

    “Will that be okay?” I ask Dad.

    “I have no problem with that. We're putting some food in your stomach as soon as we hit the road,” Dad tells me as Rath removes his hand from my bony shoulder.

    “See ya soon, Rath,” I tell him as I turn and walk away with Dad.

    Back at the truck, Dante waits patiently as Dad helps me into the truck then he gets behind the wheel. I can't help but feel like crap since I need help to do stupid things like getting into the truck.

    “So where do you want to eat?” Dad asks me.

    “There is no fast-food restaurant in existence that serves food that actually won't give you high blood pressure and kill you,” I say as I look over at him.

    “He's right, Abel,” Dante agrees. “We might as well go by Walmart and buy stuff to make a salad or something...maybe something light...or a liquid diet if he's having such a hard time eating.”

    Dad sighs. “Yeah...that's a better idea.”

    We go by Walmart and end up buying a whole bunch of yogurt, canned soups, fruit to make smoothies, and a whole bunch of healthy crap. Just looking at the stuff made me feel exhausted.

    In the truck, I eat some yogurt with a plastic spoon.

    “Give me a kiss,” I order as I put a whole bunch of yogurt in my mouth then pucker up.

    Dante looks at me like I'm crazy. “I am not kissing you when you have a bunch of yogurt in your mouth.”

    “Oh, come on, babe,” I whine.

    “Uh, you two, get a room,” Dad says in fake disgust.

    “Uncle Cain has been sleeping in the living room, right?” I ask Dad with a frown after I swallow the yogurt.

    “He took the blowup mattress in your room and brought it into the living room. At first, he wanted to stay in your room...but I thought that was a little weird. So I told him that he was going to sleep in the living room...or he can sleep in his truck.”

    “Good job,” Dante says with approval.

    “That means we can share the bed,” I say to Dante as I wag my blonde eyebrows.

    Dante's eyes roll as she punches my arm lightly. “Pervert.”

    Back at the house, the first thing I do is take a shower. Though, it's very hard...I can't look down...because when I look down...all it does it remind me of what Uncle Cain did. I don't even want to wash myself down there, I'm just that disgusted with myself.

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