Chapter Twenty-Eight: Castration

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    The sun burns my legs and my face. I mean, all I'm wearing is a long coat so... But it feels weird wearing clothes...I'm pretty sure I was naked and stuck in that house for a month...

    Have people been looking for me?

    My eyes narrow as I look ahead on the road. I see a vehicle coming, but it's so far away that I can't even see what type it is...

    Nevertheless, I take no chances and throw myself into the dry ditch in the tall grass. A few moments later, I see a black SUV drive by slowly...too slowly...but I know now that it's Rath in that black SUV.

    “I'm not going back there...thanks to your stupid-ass fiance, I had a way out,” I mutter to myself.

    Patiently, I wait till I don't hear anything anymore. Then I move stealthily up the ditch, and peek over the tall grass to check if the black SUV is gone.

    When I don't see it, I continue to walk, but I stay in the ditch. If this continues...I'll never be able to get away from Rath...

    “I'm so done with cellphones,” I growl as I crouch down when I hear the sound of an incoming vehicle.

    Again, it was the black SUV...but it's going much slower now.

    He knows that I can't be far from the house.

    Sweat drips from my face as I look around for cover. He's going to be driving by me soon...

    My fingers ache as I start pulling grass and dirt and rub it all over me for camouflage. It probably won't work...but it's better than nothing at all. I claw the wall of the ditch to make a shallow if Rath steps out to check...maybe he won't see me if I press myself against the wall of the ditch.

    Please don't see me...please don't see me...

    My eyes widen when I never hear the black SUV drive pass he gone?

    I want to move...but I don't dare.

    My eyes widen when I realize something...

    My footprints...I walked in the goddamn ditch...there's no water, but the dirt is I left my prints when I walked in the damn ditch.

    He'll notice...I'm going to get caught...he's going to drag me away...and do God-knows-what for punishment...

    My hand slaps against my mouth as I try to shut myself up. Don't make too much noise...or he'll hear you.

    A vehicle's door opens then slams shut. I don't hear footsteps at first...but as the minutes go by...I begin to hear them. The footsteps get louder and louder and louder, matching the sound of my thundering heart.

    That's when I see Rath's shadow cast over the ditch...over the place where I tried to hide.

    “Well,” Rath says with a smile in his voice. “I wonder where he could've gone...the footprints stop I wonder if he just...disappeared?”

    My body begins to tremble. I can feel it now. The pain. I can feel the pain already.

    Rath jumps down into the ditch...he stands directly in front of me, with his back to me.

    My hand presses harder against my mouth as I try to suppress my whimper, but it's way too late now.

    But Rath's body tenses up when he hears it. He laughs bitterly as he turns around slowly, and his eyes cut through my camouflage easily.

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