Chapter Eleven: Bad News

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    Scruggs let me use his shower when it began to get dark. Dante and I have done nothing but bicker. She's just fun to argue with.

    My shower doesn't last long since I can hear Dante squealing in disgust and Scruggs laughing.

    “Dammit...what is he doing now?” I mutter as my eyes roll.

    Just as I step out of the shower, the bathroom door swings open, and Dante runs in squealing and jumping like there's a bug on her.

    And she runs into my wet, stark naked body.

    I don't even have time to react. Dante has her arms wrapped around my naked waist as she looks back at the bathroom doorway where Scruggs stands. He laughs when he sees me getting hugged.

    “You're welcome, Rem. You getting some of that ass tonight,” he tells me as he grabs the bathroom door and shuts it.

    Dante jerks away. “Oh my God! You're naked!” she yells. Her eyes widen when she looks down at my dick. “Cover it! Oh my God! Cover it! Just cover it!” she squeals as she covers her eyes. “I swear I'm going to die!”

    Die of embarrassment. Her face is as red as blood. Literally.

    “Well, I kinda forgot my towel so...honey, can you get it for me?” I ask her with a smile.

    “Are you covering yourself?” she asks me with her eyes still tightly closed.

    “Yes,” I lie.

    Her peeks a look, and she squeals when she sees my dick again. She doesn't seem disgusted at all though. It's like she's trying to cover up her blushing face with fake disgust so she covers her eyes. 

    “All right. All right. I'll cover it up,” I mutter as I place both my hands over my crotch. I had to do some adjusting, but I managed to cover it all. “Okay. You can open your eyes.”

    She peeks again and sighs when she sees that I covered myself. “What the hell is your problem?”

    My jaw drops. “I'm not the one with the problem. You're the one who ran in on me while I was getting out of the shower!”

    “I was trying to get away from your nasty friend!” Dante yells at me angrily.

    “Well, that's not my problem! Now you've seen me naked, and I bet you'll be thinking about me tonight,” I say with a sneer. “While we're in bed together.”

    “In your dreams, ass,” Dante snaps as her eyes roll. “The only thing I'm going to think about is when I'm far away from you.”

    “Shut up and fetch me a towel already,” I snap as shake my head. This was so much fun. She's taking this so seriously, and I'm having the time of my life. It's funny because I know she's having a blast, too.

    She just doesn't want to admit it.

    “Just stay in the bathroom. Sleep in here. I don't want to share a bed with you so stay in here,” Dante snaps as her arms fold across her chest.

    “It's getting drafty in here so if you don't want to see me naked again so badly then you better get a towel...or I'll get it myself,” I tell her with a fake scowl.

    “Are you seriously telling me what to do?” Dante asks angrily.

    I shake my head as I walk towards her. “Yes, I'm telling you what to do. And guess what? I think I just might use you as a towel since I know you don't want one around me.”

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