Chapter Twenty: Dirty

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    I reach over for my phone quietly and begin to text my dad asking him if he could come over with Dante. Then I text him that Uncle Cain is here.

    Fucking bastard was making everything awkward as hell. I hope no one else starts making visits here...last thing I want is Dante screaming and calling people whores. She'd definitely call Jaxx a whore. And Nia.

    Dad texts back saying that he'll come over with Dante. He just has to talk with his boss.

    “Dad will probably be coming soon,” I speak up.

    When I look up, I see Uncle Cain looking over at me with a frown. “Really? It'd be nice to see Abel after so long...”

    Octavius moves closer over to me. I can feel relief washing all over his body. It actually kinda makes me feel better that he feels better. At the same time, I want to slap the damn bastard for making me feel like this. Since when did I ever care for his worthless ass? He dumped my ass and turned into a brat. Now he's depending on me.

    That little fuck confuses the hell out of me.

    “Octavius, would you mind if Remiel and I speak alone?” Cain asks Octavius.

    My brother's eyes widen as he looks over at me. His face pales as he takes a step towards me. “Do you...want me to leave?” he asks me quietly.

    Was he serious? There's actual fear in his voice.

    “Octavius, leave,” Cain orders impatiently.

    “Whatever you have to say to me can be said in front of Octavius. Surely it's not that important, is it, Uncle Cain?” I ask him with a frown. “I'm tired. Emotionally and physically. If a fight starts...then I'll make it to where the nurse won't allow any visitors in here. You got that?”

    Cain's face hardens as he looks over at Octavius sharply then back at me. “That's fine then. I guess it will have to wait then.”

    My eyes narrow as I watch Cain stand then walk over to the door to leave. “I thought you wanted to see my dad,” I sneer.

    Cain turns his head to look over his shoulder. “I'll see him soon,” he spits. “And I'll see you soon as well,” he growls before walking out of my room.

    I breathe out in relief as soon as my door closes. I look over at Octavius as he does the same thing. “You depended on me,” I simply state.

    Octavius returns to his bratty self. “No, I didn't! And if you tell Mom, I swear you'll regret it,” he growls.

    I shake my head. “Octavius, what the hell did I do to you? You're the one who turned into an asshole. But you acted like a little kid when Uncle Cain was in here.”

    Octavius narrows dark brown eyes. “I don't want to talk about him anymore, Rem. I'm not finished with you. You can be nice all you want...I'm still going to get you back for nearly killing me.”

    My eyes roll. “Stop being so melodramatic. I only choked you till you started foaming. You'll be fine.” Honestly, I feel like an adult since Octavius depended on me to protect him. Suddenly, I just feel ancient. Like, I'm the wise, old dude that talks down to his younger siblings.

    “Screw you, Rem,” Octavius growls.

    “You owe me a thank you for protecting your ass,” I say in a steely tone as I watch Octavius walk towards my door to leave.

    Octavius literally spits on the floor before looking back at me. “Fuck you.”

    My eyes widen as I stare at the closed hospital door as my hands clench into tight fists.

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