Chapter Seven: Text Messages

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    After school, I walk across the parking lot to my car. My phone rings and rings and ring. At first, I just ignore it because I think it's probably Scruggs bugging me about where I live. But the phone just keeps going on and every time my phone ends, whoever the person is just calls again.

    “Goddamn,” I whisper as I pull my phone out.

    Unknown Caller.

    “Who the hell are you?” I mutter to myself as I hesitate to answer the answer. Finally, I answer and put the phone to my ear. “Who the hell is this?” I ask angrily.

    The line is silent. At least...that's what I think. There's people yelling on the parking lot so it's kinda hard to hear so I stay on the phone till I'm inside my car. But when I'm in my car...I can hear what's clearly going on.

    There's breathing on the other line.

    It's not's shallow and quick. It's almost hard to hear. Then it gets huskier...but I can't tell if it's male or female.

    So I hang up.

    It sounded like the damn person was about to reach a damn climax or something. That's just sick. Calling a stranger just to have a fuckingorgasm on the phone? thank you.

    I spend a few minutes in my car just looking over my homework in looks hard now that I'm not in the classroom. I got most of it finished since I've figured out that I work better in class. At home, I just get really distracted.

    In my pocket, my cellphone vibrates just when I finish looking over my homework.

    “Jesus Christ,” I mutter as I pull out my phone and see that I have a text.

    From the Unknown Caller.

    My face pales drastically as I read the message out loud. “How...was school?” I read quietly.

    In all capital letters, I type: LEAVE ME ALONE. STOP CALLING. STOP TEXTING.

    How was school?

    How was school?

    How was school?

    How was school?

    How was school?

    How was school?

    The Unknown Caller practically spams me until he/she finally sends me a different text.

    I can see you in your car.

    My eyes widen in horror was I stare down at my phone...well...more at the message than my actual phone.

    Quickly, I look around the parking lot for anyone that might look suspicious. There's houses and a crappy neighborhood across the street...and my car is parked in a way where it's facing this neighborhood across the busy street.

    Is...this Unknown Caller there in that neighborhood?

    I waste no more time. First, I put on my seat belt, turn on my car, and practically speed off school property and down the road.

    For once, I can't wait to get home.

    As I drive, my phone blows up with messages, calls, and voice mails all from the Unknown Caller.

    When my phone rings again, I reach over and grab it.

    “Listen here, you little fucking piece of shit!” I scream into the phone. “Stop calling! Stop texting! What I do in school is none of your goddamn busy! YOU GOT THAT? Leave me alone!”

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