Chapter Twenty-One: Whore

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    Believe me, I want to smack, punch, kick and do anything I can to get away...but I have a feeling that if I do that, I'll be in worse condition than I am already.

    I struggle though. I move, wriggle, my screams are muffled against his hand though. I bite down on his hand, but it's like nothing bothers Cain. Nothing I do is working.

    He's actually getting off on me struggling...he enjoys it.

    But finally, Cain sighs as he frowns. “You're not as fun...” he complains. “You don't give me much of a challenge. Maybe you are a slut.” My face pales as he finally stops touching me, but he doesn't take his hand off my mouth. “But better not say anything,” Cain says in a warning tone. “Do I really need to give you a reason anyways?” He laughs. “You'll probably enjoy it if I fucked you.”

    My eyes widen in horror. He...thought of me like that? His own nephew? Nausea completely takes control of me as I close my eyes. I can't believe this is happening to me. Not my uncle...I thought he was a little odd and weird...but...I sure as hell didn't expect this.

    I need to tell someone. I can't let Cain get away with this.

    Cain chuckles as if he knew what I was thinking. “No one will believe you, Rem,” Cain says darkly. “Not Abel...not your new little slut. You're nothing but a whore. No one likes a whore. What would people think of you if this got out? People wouldn't talk to you...much less look at you.”

    His words work. Tears roll down my cheeks when I realize that he's right. No one would talk or look at me. Scruggs definitely wouldn't talk to me if he knew...Nial...and Dax...Jaxx...


    The thought of Tempest never talking to me ever again makes me break down into a bawl. I groan in pain against Cain's mouth. His calloused hand is wet with my saliva after trying to bite him several times.

    I hate myself for crying in front of my uncle.

    The man who is molesting me. 

    “ a good boy,” Cain tells me as he pulls his hand away.

    Quickly, I dry my eyes and mouth. I feel so violated. I'm afraid to move...I feel filthy as I roll over on my side and curl up in a ball.

    Cain steps out but then a few minutes later, he's back again. “It seems like Abel, Octavius and your slut went into the cafeteria to get themselves something to eat...I'll tell them that you're resting and that you're too tired to speak to them,” he says before stepping out of the room...and leaving for good.

    My hand flies over my mouth to keep myself from crying too loud. My chest aches because I want to cry...I want to scream and cry and let the whole world know how much I'm a crybaby...but I don't.

    I've been holding it so long that I don't know how to let it out.

    The tube going into my nose and then into my stomach hurts in this position...but I don't care anymore.

    Octavius...I want to see him. Usually, he's the last person I'd want to see...but I need to talk to him now.

    My knees quiver when I switch positions on my other side. The place between my hurts. Really bad.

    Like a little kid, I pull my pillow out from under my head and hug it...and bury my face into it till I'm gasping for air. My eyes close tightly as I try to shut the world around me out and pretend nothing happened.

    I just want my baby brother with me.

    Dante comes up but it's just her that comes into my hospital room. When she comes in, she sees me bundled up in a ball with the pillow in my arms and the thin sheet pulled up to my chin.

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