Chapter Four: Bad Luck

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    Back at the party, I really become antisocial. I'm not sure why, but to me, partying people seem to party in a pattern. It's almost circle-like how they party. It's never in a the shape of a parallelogram. It's always a scattered lumpy circle.

    So I stand outside this party circle but close enough that if I didn't feel safe, I'd just walk right in and be in the party circle.

    There's a lot of people touching and talking. That proves my suspicions that they might be high on mollies or maybe Ecstasy. Empty beer bottles are just dumped on the soggy ground from the previous rain we had earlier today. Mud splashes and gets all over clothes, feet and shoes.

    Jaxx was quick to leave me after coming back to the party. Garry might be right on her not really wanting me but wanting something I have. Hell, I don't want anything from her. Sometimes I just want to stop speaking to her for good. It's better to end something before it starts than to allow someone to use you. I don't know what on Earth I have that she would want, though.

    Then...there's sirens in the distance. It's the one siren no one at this party wants to hear either.

    It's the cops.

    Just like that, people stop, some people keep dancing but that's mostly the ones that are high, and wonder what's going on.

    “Oh, shit!” a guy yells after the rap music was cut off from the truck. “I think someone called the cops!”

    After that was said, people scattered. I'm not sure how some of them still understood English, but mostly everybody scattered.

    Being the only sober person left in my group, I have to roundup Sierra, Garry, and Jaxx since they're drunk, high, or both.

    “We need to go,” I tell Garry as I walk them up the trail. I think we're one of the last people to actually begin to leave.

    “I',” he slurs as he leans against my shoulder. His eyes droop slowly as I'm forced to drag him. The weird thing is that he's still moving his feet.

    Sierra and Jaxx are like two hyper-ass kids that I can't get to shut the hell up. They keep complimenting each other, touching each other, talking about the sky and stars. I don't know. Nothing they're saying makes sense so I pay no mind to it.

    Garry's Crown Victoria is parked just outside the woods beside this big black truck. The sirens are even louder now...but maybe I can get all of them home without getting in any trouble. The problem is that I don't have my driver license...but I really don't want to wait till Garry's sober enough to drive because that'll take hours...I don't like these woods, and I don't like what could possibly be in them. I can't put Garry behind the wheel either because he's about to pass out. Sierra and Jaxx will just look at everything but the road.

    So I'm going to have to drive.

    Like children, I have to help them into the car and help them get buckled in. The whole thing pisses me off till I'm behind the wheel and starting the car with Garry's keys that I had to pull out of his front pocket.

    Then I commence driving. I drive decently rather than my usual careless, fast driving. I make no mistakes, put my blinkers on, pull out onto the highway when it was nice and safe before the cops reached us. The cops were coming from town so I had to get pass them to get into town.

    Once the five police cars drive pass me down the highway, I sigh in relief and start speeding up to put as much distance between me and the police.

    Unfortunately, though, in my rear-view mirror, I see one cop make a U-turn on the damn highway and starts tailgating me with the siren on.

    “Dammit,” I complain angrily while Jaxx and Sierra talk about the pretty red and blue lights when really it was just the stupid lights on those damn police cars.

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