Chapter Twenty-Five: The Truth Hurts

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    Lucky looks over at Dante and me. “How are you doing, Remiel? I hope you're not driving around without your license.”

    My eyes narrow as my jaws clench. “Don't fücking remind me, Lucky,” I growl coldly.

    Lucky's eyes widen silently as he looks over at Dad with concern. “Are you sure his school counselor is helping him with his anger?”

    “I'm sitting right here,” I mutter bitterly.

    Lucky looks over at Dante. “You must be Dante...Octavius told me about you.”

    My brow arches in confusion. “Why the hell would Octavius be telling you about Dante?” I ask him suspiciously.

    Lucky's eyes widen like he'd just been caught doing something bad. “ mind. Octavius was just saying how much he likes Dante.”

    “Octavius would never say that,” I state as I catch him in his own lie. “Octavius hates Dante. He's made that clear to both Dante and me.”

    Lucky's face pales silently. “It's Octavius business. I can't say anything.”

    “Well, if it's about me...don't I have the right to know?” Dante asks coldly. “You are a policeman...surely you must know this.”

    “Dante, Rem,” Dad speaks up with authority. “Give Lucky a break. He has more to worry about than what Octavius said about you two. Get over it.”

    Hostile emotions flood me as I stand up. If Dad is just going to mope over his pedophile brother's death then I'm going to my room.

    Before I do, though, I heat up some of that horrible soup we bought from the store for me. They also bought vitamins for that I could have extra help to get whatever I needed from them.

    Up my room, I eat my soup as I sit on the floor in front of my dresser. Dante comes up in my room and sits down beside me.

    “He was lying through his damn teeth...” Dante mutters. “Why would Octavius tell a policeman about me?”

    I shrug. “I have know idea.”

    Dante stands up to go searching through her bag of clothes on the other side of the room. As she searches, my phone vibrates in my pocket so I pull it out.

    I'll be watching over you. We're meant to be together, love. I'll always be there to help and protect you...that bastard will never touch you again.

    My stalker...for once, I'm grateful for the freak. But it doesn't erase the potential threat. Dante's right... Stalkers are dangerous. Simple things could set them off.

    “What the...” Dante whispers as she turns around to look at me.

    I look at her in confusion. “What?” I ask.

    “My pills...they're gone,” she tells me quietly. Her face is pale as her eyes turn glassy and full of horror. “I need those pills back...they're important.”

    I stand up quickly and sit my coup on my dresser. “The pills that you said are for you headaches, right?”

    She nods slowly. “And they're missing...” Dante looks as if she's about to cry. “I need those pills...”

    That's when it hits me. Octavius...yesterday...he took something from my room...

    He must've took Dante's pills.

    Quickly, I go downstairs to ask Octavius some questions, but when I rush into his room...

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