Chapter Fifteen: Promise

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    After a few bites, I have to stop eating. Nausea begins to set in, and it's too strong for me to eat. It actually makes it nearly impossible.

    “I'm sorry, but I just can't eat anymore,” I tell her as I push my plate away. Quickly, I take a drink of the tea she fixed me then I end up gasping for air because I drink too much for too long.

    “Uh...are you okay?” Tempest asks me with a frown.

    “Huh?” I mumble. “Oh, I'm fine. Just fine,” I tell her in a shaky voice. My stomach rolls and growls.

    I feel like I'm going to be sick...

    Tempest frowns deeply. “Well, if you don't want to eat...then what do you want to do? We could go out.”

    “Yeah,” I say with a quick nod. “I'd like that.”

    We drive to the park and walk around. My phone does so much vibrating that I have to turn it off. I'm on a date. It'd be really rude to just get on my phone while I'm taking Tempest out.

    It's hard to pay attention...I don't know why...Tempest is just...God, I'm just not attracted to her at all. I don't know what to talk about. There's just a lot of tension, and I can tell that Tempest is trying to make conversation...she brings up school, what I like to do, who's my best friend.

    “Hey, I saw Tori the other day,” Tempest says suddenly.

    “What? Seriously?” I ask her in surprise.

    “Yeah,” Tempest says with a nod. “She's changed though...her hair is's just...I don't know. I don't think she changed for the better. She told me her and Kent are no longer together. She asked about you.”

    “Oh? Why did she ask about me?” I ask her in surprise.

    Shit, I'm surprised she even remembers my name. 

    “I don't know. She kinda made fun of how you were fat...then I told her that you lost a lot of weight. She said that she'd like to see you again sometime,” Tempest tells me.

    “ sounds like she just wants to see me just because I lost weight,” I mutter.

    “Well, I'd be curious to know what you look like, too, if I hadn't seen you since middle school. That's a normal reaction if you think about it.” Tempest shrugs.

    I shake my head. “Well...I guess I'm curious about Tori, has been a while since I've seen her...” I am curious. I'll admit.

    “See? She does want to see you. She's still going to that school she transferred to...she said that she probably won't move back. Her parents won't allow it. Not after already changing schools once...I don't think they want to go through that again. But she still remembers where you live. I even gave her your number. I hope you don't mind.”

    “Nah. I don't mind. I guess it'd be nice to see a familiar face again...” I say with a frown.

    Maybe that's why my phone has been vibrating so much...

    Or maybe it's the Stalker again.

    “Great!” Tempest says with a smile.

    We go to many places. We go to an arcade, and we have a great time there. We even played basketball, and I won several times. Tempest blamed it on my tallness. But it's not that at all.

    Tempest just really sucks at basketball.

    After some time, Tempest and I go back to her house and crash on the couch.

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