Chapter Eight: Missed Calls

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    So I try situated my room to where Dante wants it. Dad finishes up Octavius's room, and he even brings a blowup mattress for me. It's one of those expensive ones with cushioning so it actually feels like a bed rather that a piece of flimsy soft plastic filled with air.

    “Well...your mom is going to be pissed,” Dad says with a frown.

    “She can be pissed. I don't care,” I growl as I make my bed on the blowup mattress.

    “Dante, does he act like this around you?” Dad asks Dante.

    She laughs. “Actually, all he does is act like a pervert. He's a perverted gentleman, though,” she tells my dad.

    “Perverted gentleman? I don't think there's such thing,” Dad says quietly.

    My jaws clench as I look over at him. “Yeah, well, you're pretty nonexistent when I actually need your help.”

    “Rem...don't...” Dante says quietly as she places her small hand on my shoulder when Dad's smile fades away as he looks down.

    I shrug Dante's hand away as my eyes narrow. “Where is Octavius and Mom anyways?”

    “They went out to go shopping and stuff...Octavius wanted some clothes,” Dad says with a shrug.

    “Of course. She always gets him...” I trail off when I realize how tense I am. So I start breathing in deeply to get my anger under control.

    Damn you to Hell, Rath, for your stupid anger management shït.

    “Sorry, Dad,” I say through clenched jaws.

    He looks up at me in surprise. “What? I can't believe you're actually apologizing for something.”

    His surprise irks me...but I swallow my pride. “I'm...I saw the counselor today...and he gave me some tips on how to deal with my anger...issues.”

    “That's...really good. I'm glad you're thinking about controlling your anger. I'm guessing he spoke to the music you listen to?” Dad asks me.

    Dad has a problem with the music I listen to. It's not that bad in my opinion. Yes, it kinda encourages...bad emotions...but who cares? It gets me pumped and makes me want to punch something. One of my favorite bands that I think are underrated is Bloodsimple.

    “Why would he speak to me about that? Who cares?” I snap as my arms fold across my chest. “I don't see a problem.”

    Dad just shakes his head as he sighs. He looks over at Dante. “He's very'll learn that pretty quickly.”

    “He's very persistent, too.,” Dante says with a nod as she looks at me with a smile.

    “So...are you eating tonight?” Dad asks me.

    “Dad,” I whisper sharply as my eyes widen in horror.

    “What? I'm just-”

    “Shut up about that,” I whisper quickly as I look down at the floor.

    I can feel Dad's eyes on me for a moment, and he finally clears his throat. “Well, what would you like for dinner, Dante?”

    “Well, Rem took me out to eat...but I can help you out with cooking. Do you have anything in mind?” Dante asks him.

    “ I really have nothing planned,” Dad replies.

    Dante looks over at me. “Are you eating anything?”

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