Chapter Eighteen: Call for Help

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   Grunting in pain, I try to push myself up on my hands and knees, but Kent kicks me right in the gut and knocks the air out of my lungs.

    In a desperate attempt to breathe again, I gasp as my fingers dig into the earth. Blood and saliva drips from my mouth as I heave violently.

    “You touch my girlfriend again,” Kent warns coldly as he walks over to a nearby tree and pulls one of it's lower limbs off...then he walks back over to me as he raises the thin limb to strike me. “And I swear...I'll make you wish you were dead,” he threatens before whipping my back with the thin branch.

    My jaws clench tightly as I try to hold in my cries every time the branch came down and smacked against my back. It feels like it's ripping and tearing through my shirt with each lash.

    It is. He's whipping me so hard that my shirt is ripping and shredding... Blood seeps out of the fresh wounds and down my back. My arms weaken so I fall back down on my stomach while Kent just goes to town whipping the hell out of me for something I didn't even do. Fucking bitch used me...she's the reason I'm getting my ass handed to me.

    She's the one who deserves this...not me.

    This is middle school all over again.

    “This would be way more entertaining if you were a fat ass again,” Kent says with a laugh. He whips me till the limb breaks...then he goes looking for another one.

    While Kent is off searching for another limb to beat me with...I try to gather as much strength as I can to get out of here. This was a setup. All of this was... This is Tori getting back at me for not getting what she wanted from me.

    Slowly, I crawl towards my car, and Tori watches me with her wary eyes.

    But I'm not quick enough. Kent's quick footsteps could be heard from the front yard...and he easily catches up to me as I open my car door while I'm on my knees.

    “And just where the hell are you going?” Kent sneers as he raises his new limb up in the air. It's longer...and thinner than the last one.

    “I swear, Kent...I didn't do anything,” I whisper, but my voice is barely audible. My throat hurts from trying so hard to hold in my crying...but I can't stop the tears now. Just a couple roll down my cheeks, and I bow my head in shame that I'm crying in front of Kent and Tori.

    “Bullshit,” Kent snaps as he grabs me by my hair and yanks me away from my yard. I roll off into the gravel driveway that leads up to the front yard. Kent is right there though. He stands over me as I roll over on my stomach and try to crawl away from him.

    I cry when I feel it. This new limb he uses hurts worse than the other. It feels more like a whip.

    That's when I recognize my dad's red GMC truck as it pulls up Tori's driveway. I see Dante in the passenger seat...and Dad behind the wheel.

    I let out a sigh of relief.

    I'm so glad I wrote that note and left it for Dante before I left.

    My eyes narrow as I grab as fistful of the gravel rocks. As I roll over on my back, I throw the rocks right at Kent's face.

    “SON OF A BITCH!” Kent booms in pain as he drops the limb to tend to his face.

    Dad's truck parks a few feet in the driveway in front of Kent and me. Within seconds, Dad is at my side helping me sit up.

    But Dante heads straight for Kent.

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