Chapter Fourteen: The Emptiness

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    My eyes widen in surprise when she leans away. “What?” she asks with a frown.

    Instead of saying anything, I lean in quickly to try and kiss her, but she turns her head.

    “Oh no. You need to calm yourself down, Perv-Boy. You're practically drooling right now,” Dante says with a frown as she places her hand over my lips.

    “It's your fault. You made me horny,” I complain as I pull away.

    “How is it my fault? We were having a moment, and you ruined it!” Dante snarls.

    My eyes widen. “How the hell did I ruin it? You need to stop being such a fucking tease. I thought we were having a moment to...kiss or something.”

    “No. You were thinking with that thing in your pants. You were not thinking about a sweet moment about to people becoming more emotionally attached to each other. You're thinking about sex,” Dante snaps angrily.

    “You know what?” I say with a frown.


    “I'm so glad I said yes to that date,” I state simply as I climb out of the car.

    Just before I shut the driver door, I see Dante's expression mix with shock and horror. “Wait! What?!” I slam the door, but Dante steps out of the car on her side. “What did you say?”

    “I have a date tomorrow night!” I yell at her.

    Her eyes widen in surprise. “No. No you don't. I know you don't have a date. You can't have a date.” She walks around the car and towards me. “You do not have a date,” she states as she pokes my chest.

    “Jealous much?” I say with a cocky smile.

    Dante shakes her head. “I am not jealous,” she growls. “Who is this girl? Does she goes to your school? Did you bribe her? Is this a joke?”

    “Nope. Not a joke. Her name is Tempest, and I do go to school with her. And I am going on a date with her at her house...all alone.”

    Dante glowers at me murderously. “All alone? You and her? All alone?”

    “Yep,” I say with a smile as I lean in close to her face. “I think I see a little bit of jealousy on your pretty face.”

    Dante's face contorts in bewilderment. “But we...just had a moment...what the hell? I feel used after that in the car. You just...” she trails off. “You're a dick.”

    I laugh as I throw my head back. “Me? A dick? That doesn't surprise me at all!” I laugh loudly.

    “Oh stop laughing! It's not funny! I seriously thought you were...dammit!” she screams. “It's not funny so stop laughing!”

    “I'm...s-sorry,” I stutter through my giggling. “I'!”

    “No you're not, you ass,” Dante snaps as her arms fold across her chest.

    I sigh as I walk towards her. When I place my hand on her shoulder, she knocks my hand away. “Oh come on, Dante.”

    “No, don't touch me.”

    “ on,” I coax gently as I move closer to her. “Come on, baby...don't be's just one date,” I tell her as I slide my hand to her neck. My fingertips barely graze the skin on her neck.

    I smile when she giggles as her shoulders raise. “Stop it!” she yells in a cute voice.

    “See you're smiling,” I point out with a grin.

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