Chapter Twenty-Four: Virgin

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    I can't help but feel pissed off at her obvious statement. No shit, you should have stayed with me. None of this crap would've happened if you just let me go with you, and Octavius could be in school right now.

    And Uncle Cain wouldn't have had anyone to mess with but himself.

    In a way, this is all Dante's fault. She knows what Cain did to me yet she still allowed it to happen because for some stupid reason, she couldn't let me be with her at the hospital. If she wanted privacy with her mom, I would've given it to her. It's not like I would hound her just for being alone with her mom.

    But I would never say this aloud to Dante. It would only make me and her feel bad. I don't want to make her feel bad...I just want to get this over with. I want to forget what happened today ever happened. To me, I think I'm taking it pretty well...

    I guess...

    “So...Cain didn't try anything with you, did he?” Dante asks me quietly.

    “No. No, he didn't,” I force myself to lie. This wasn't wasn't as good so Dante looks up at me suspiciously.

    “Rem?” she says as she frowns deeply.

    “Nothing happened. I promise,” I say before walking pass her. “I need to take a shower...then we'll go out...I don't care what my dad says.”

    In the bathroom, I brush my teeth before shutting the door. After that, I take the hottest shower. The water scorches my skin, and when it touches my back, I nearly cry. This isn't really isn't. All this bad stuff happening...then there's the bad stuff that's been happening for years to Octavius that I'm just now finding out...

    After my shower, I dry off with my towel then my hair. And I nearly jump out of my skin when the bathroom door opens then closes shut.

    I raise my head to look up as I wrap the towel around my waist quickly. Expecting to see Cain, I back up till I almost fall backwards into the tub, but Dante catches me by wrapping her arms around my wet waist.

    “Sorry!” she says quickly as she pulls me towards her.

    My eyes widen as I look down at her. Then anger flashes as I grip her shoulders tightly. “Don't ever do that to me again,” I growl. “You nearly scared the piss out of me.”

    “I'm...sorry,” Dante says as she looks up at me. “You're acting strange again.”

    I push her away by her shoulders. “I need to get dressed, Dante. I'd hate to make you feel sick to your stomach because I'm four years younger than you,” I snap coldly.

    Dante looks up at me in confusion. “You don't make me sick to my stomach...what brought this on?”

    “Look, I'm trying to get dressed.” I sigh. “So can you please get out?”

    I rather not make out with you the the bathroom. If she knew what happened in here, she'd go looking for Cain.

    Dante frosts over. “Cain did something, didn't he?”

    “Get out, Dante,” I order her.

    She frowns deeply as she backs out of the bathroom. She opens the door then shuts it behind her before walking out.

    I sigh in relief as I pull on my jeans and shirt that I had on before. I need a break from the house...I wouldn't mind just being alone with Dante but...

    I've just been caught in an ugly mess.

    “Dad...can I please go out?” I ask him quietly in the kitchen.

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