Chapter Twenty-Nine: Saved

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     “How the hell did you get out again?” he asks me coldly.

    Eliza pushes herself in front of me when Rath tries to reach out and grab me. “Rath, what did you do to this poor boy?” she demands angrily.

    Rath's eyes widen as his hand draws back slowly. “Eliza...honey, what are you doing?” Rath asks her in hurt tone.

    My eyes narrow as my body tenses.

    “Rath, you better answer me. What the hell is this boy that's been missing doing in your house? I demand to know. Now,” Eliza says angrily.

    Be're treading in dangerous waters...anything could make him snap...

    And you'll be in that room with me.

    But the police are on their way...all we have to do is keep him busy...Eliza is perfect for that. But dammit, the woman is instinctively protecting her abdomen so I know she's pregnant. She's going to get herself hurt. I don't need protection from a pregnant woman. I understand it if she can fight and stand her own ground...but there's no need in her getting hurt for me.

    Just let me get hurt. You can't break what's already broken so...

    I step in front of Eliza and force her back.

    “What the hell are you doing?” Eliza demands.

    “He's dangerous,” I tell her with a frown.

    That's when Rath flips on the hallway lights.

    His eyes are stormy with rage as he glares at me. “You try to escape twice...and you're touching my fiance with your filthy hands. My fiance!” he yells angrily.

    My heart begins to pound as Rath stalks towards us.

    Then he backhands the shit out of me.

    My body jerks to the hallway wall. My head bangs against the hardwood wall before slumping down on the ground. Blood trails from my left temple as dizziness begins to wash over me.

    Eliza crouches behind me and that immediately sets me off.

    “NO!” I boom as I move away from her.

    No one gets behind me. No one breathes on my neck or grabs my one.

    Rath reaches down and locks his fingers in my hair. “Look at what you've done,” he growls. “You ruined everything! Everything would've been fine if you had just stayed in the room like a good boy!” He tries to throw me back in the room, but I'm not going back in there.

    I refuse to.

    So I swing my balled fists at him violently. I hit his face, chest, head, anything. I kick and kick and kick. Rath groans in pain when I kick him in his crotch. His fingers loosen around my hair, and I pull free.

    “Come on!” I yell as I grab Eliza's hand and we run down the hallway. I don't even care if I’m naked anymore. I'm just trying to live...I'm trying to survive. Nakedness doesn't bother me anymore.

    I pull Eliza downstairs to the place where there's a hallway...then the door to the basement. We quickly take the hallway that leads to the living room.

    “REMIEL!” Rath screams behind us.

    Run, run, run, run, run.


    We both bust out of the house, the sun burns me as I run out onto the grass.

    “Wait, wait...” Eliza breathes heavily.

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