Part 16 • Pain

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"Yunho, where's my twin?" Asks Hannah. Mingi took her here last night to introduce her to everybody.

Yunho kinda envied that Mingi already introduced her to everyone. Based on the apron she's wearing, she must be preparing something to eat with Noelle and Seonghwa.

They look like they already adopted her, since the aprons match.

"Hello!" Hannah impatiently waved her hand in front of Yunho's face. "Where is Holly?" She asks again, and was more demanding this time.

Yunho scratched the back of his head in irritation. Hannah always makes everything a big deal and he's getting tired of her always nagging.

"I left him at my apartment. She's still asleep and might be hangover, so I didn't disturb her." He told her, turning around to avoid her gaze.

"Stop stressing yourself. Yunho's got this." Mingi told her, while eating the first batch of cookies, without Hannah noticing, since she was thinking about Holly. "So, nothing out of the ordinary happened last night?" Hannah asked Yunho even though he was clearly trying to avoid her.

"I'm not stressing. I just want to make sure that nothing weird happened last night." Hannah told Mingi, walking her way to stand in front of Yunho to see his face and confirm the truth. Yunho was starting to think that Hannah has no life outside being Holly's perfect sister. She's way too obsessed with her sister and her where bouts that she doesn't have time to have a life of her own.

"Nothing." He answered but Hannah still looks like she's doubting him; like she knows something that he doesn't.

"God Hannah! Can you please stop doing this? Holly isn't the monster that you think she is. You're creating something big out of something so simple. She's had enough of your controlling mother, that's why she got mad that night and threw things, breaking them. It's not a mental instability to get angry." He snapped and walked away in annoyance, making his way to his apartment.

Hannah was left there mortified. Once again, it was Holly who Yunho was siding on. She's the villain once again for thinking bad about her twin sister.

"Excuse him. He's not usually that rude. Are you ok?" Seonghwa asked. To be honest he preferred Hannah than Holly. After getting Olivia wasted last night, he already dislike Holly.

Hannah on the other hand was a big help when Yeosang collapsed. She turned out to be a med student and knew exactly what to do. She was responsible and cool at the same time.

Holly seemed nothing more than a spoiled brat who does whatever she wants.

"I'm fine." Hannah faked a smile and it was obvious. Mingi felt sorry for him. He'll definitely talk to Yunho later. "I just don't want anything to happen to Yunho. Maybe I shouldn't have let them be together. This is my fault. I knew what would happen after this, and still allowed it. What if she does it with him?" She was unusually worried.

"What do you mean? Do what? Is there something you're not telling me?" Mingi asked with a little hint of confusion. Half of him was assuming that Hannah was still talking about Holly's rage that she cannot control, since Yunho had mentioned it.

The more Hannah kept quiet, the more Mingi started to get worried. "Can you start please start telling me the truth about everything?" Mingi demanded, lifting her shin to meet her eyes. She looked worried.

"She really is out of control. Last night was just a preview of what she can do. Last night, she showed us how she is when it comes to drinking. What comes after she's drunk is a different story." She paused, tugging Mingi's sleeves. "It wasn't." She started to tremble as she cleared her throat nervously.

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