Part 19 • Vacation Leave

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Olivia woke up feeling warmth behind her, pair of hands were wrapped around her and she already know whose hands the belong to. She escaped his embrace and hit him with a pillow.

"How could you?" She said before hitting him again one more time and harder.

"Why'd you sleep here, huh? Who allowed you?" She asked furiously, hitting him again.

"What? What do you need?" He impatiently asks Olivia, fighting the urge to grab her hips and kiss her, and tell her how he really feels, but couldn't.

He doesn't even understand why he has to keep this up.

"My bracelet." She demanded. "And my ring." She recalled that San took her ring as well.

San tried to pretend that he wasn't hurt and gave back Olivia's jewelries. "Remember this day Olivia. Once you take him back, You can never talk to me again." He warned, but felt stupid as soon as he did. Just that time when he was mad at her when she was celebrating about Yejun's text message that he's chasing for her. Also last night when he refused to kiss her but totally regret it in the morning.

It's his lame reason why he's picking up a fight with her this morning.

Olivia wore her ring and bracelet that Yejun gave her. Showing it off to San. She raised her hand, making sure it was in front of San's face. "That's your threat Choi San?" She challenged, stepping closer to look directly into his eyes. "Stay still and don't stop me, and you will never see me again." She said, running away from him.

Everyone was shocked when Olivia was storming away as if she just robbed San. "Everything okay?" Hongjoong asked as soon as San got out of his room, chasing after Olivia. He didn't have a spare time to answer. He followed Olivia's tracks.

It wasn't that hard to chase her since San's an athlete. The biggest challenge was the crowd. San couldn't just move recklessly or he might bump onto someone or knock over something.

He carefully followed Olivia's tracks and entered a coffee shop where he used to work before Hongjoong hired him in Club Wonderland.

"Hey San!" His former workmate—Han, greeted. They used to be a tandem, and often called  'Hansan' but it was history when San left.

"Looking good. Have you been doing well?" San asked to be polite, while looking around for Olivia. She was by the pastries, picking something to buy.

"Yes. Always." Han responded, frowning at some customers. "I really hate it when they make a mess. Not to mention they were here for three hours and consumed all their food. Makes me think if they're here for the free wifi only." He muttered.

San glanced at them and noticed a familiar face.


That asshole.

One of his friends noticed Han and San's frown and got nervous, whispering to Yejun. He chuckles, pointing at Olivia. "Sugar mommy just arrived. Trust me, she will pay for all of this later. I'll just say I left my wallet in the hotel." They all laughed harmoniously, leaving San in fury.

He thought this guy was a huge competition, when in fact he was nothing but trash. A filthy trash.

"What was I thinking, leaving her for Alona. Alona's good in bed and nice to show off, but Olivia's rich. Filthy rich. While I'm giving her cheap stuff, she's hiving me limited edition stuffs, not to mention she always pays for everything." He bragged.

San hissed, turning to Han. "I'm going to propose today. I want to surprise my girlfriend. What can you do for me?" He asked.

Han's jaw dropped hearing that from the worst playboy he's ever met in his life. This guy is afraid of commitments and all the sets of bullshit that comes with it.

Written In The Stars (ATEEZ Yunho FF)Where stories live. Discover now