Part 21 - First Love

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After their little prom night, they went home with Yoona already preparing some breakfast. Jun was already eating silently in his school uniform. Yunho thought it was nostalgic to see the uniform. Jun is now entering the same highschool he attended.

Not it was clear to him that he used to just fool around with Mingi, ever since his childhood crush–Yves, developed colon cancer when they were young. She had to receive treatment in the US and left town. She stopped contacting them ever again and the two had to go to middle school without her.

Yves used to be their best friend as well. They play and fool around together until she disappeared without any assurance that she will come back. Not even a goodbye letter or a note.

During middle school, nobody even remember her, as if she never existed in the first place. It was as if she only existed in Mingi and Yunho's imagination.

Yunho used to wait for her at the usual spot where the three of them would meet. Down by the river where they would play. Usually they play having a wedding. Mingi and Yunho would do 'rock papers scissors' to decide who's going to be the groom. Yoona would always be the 'maid of honor'. The loser would be the 'best man'.

Mingi also has a crush on Yves. The two are aware of it and enjoys the friendly competition daily. She was their princess and they were her knights.

But she disappeared and it was imposible to find her now. Yunho eventually gave up and had his heart broken all throughout highschool and just totally gave up. He stopped valuing his life and started spacing out most of the time.

Most of the time he would convince himself that Yves is dead from cancer just to forget her.

It was the reason why Yunho was deeply affected when Holly would disappear without a trace. It was a feeling he can never expect anyone to understand about him. The reason why he didn't want to get so attached to a person was all because of Yves. Also the reason why he hates sudden departure of someone from his life.

That day after the plane ride was when he started to feel again. Emotions that he thought was gone once again resurfaced. Suddenly he fell in love again. It is why when Holly left that day, he just totally lost his ability to keep his life together.

Hannah was the biggest proof that Holly does exist and he was thankful of her everyday. Unlike Yves' disappearance, without any proof that she really did existed, Hannah was there to prove that Holly is real.

Yunho held Holly's hand tightly, making sure she's there. Holly felt her heart race just like the first time she held hands with him. She looked at at him, fixing his bangs that slightly covers his eyes. She now started to wonder when he last had a haircut.

It looked good on him though. His once bleached and dyed blonde hair in now on it's natural chestnut brown color. His smile was so beautiful. It reminded her of the beautiful ocean in Guam when she visited for a seminar just a couple of months ago. He was just as beautiful.

"Cool, you guys are here." Yoona said gesturing at the food. "You guys watch the house while I drive Jun to the school." She told them and prepared herself. Yunho and Holly also freshened up just to lay lazy in bed.

Holly noticed Yunho's room well organized. A few trophies in sport events. He's an athlete. She stood up and looked around more. She noticed a picture of cute little Mingi and Yunho holding a football. Another one of them with a basketball.

They look so happy.

"You must be super close with Mingi." She said looking towards Yunho who was already asleep. She turned back to the pictures and noticed a really old picture of the two. They look like they were about 4 to 5 years old. What made it interesting was a fat girl in between them. The three of them were smiling happily.

Written In The Stars (ATEEZ Yunho FF)Where stories live. Discover now