Thinking fast, Run faster

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After everything went into madness, and everyone was running to safety out of sactum, Bellamy turned around and realized someone was missing.
-Where is Clarke? - How could this happen, she was right behind him,he thought .
- She went to get Madi- said Raven- Jackson and Miller were having problems carrying her, she is the only one who could calmed her down.
Then Jackson and Miller reached the point where they were waiting .
And they were alone.
- Hey Miller wasn't Clarke with you?-Bellamy asked, starting to panic.
- Yeah, she went ahead of us with Madi, is she not here? .
- They were right in front of us, she was carrying Madi.- said Jackson
- Damn it- not again, thought Bellamy- Hey ,everybody listen up,- taking everyone's attention- get back to the ship , wait there an hour , then take off to the mothership
- Where are you going? - asked Echo seeing that him was turning around in direction back to sanctum.
- I am going for them.
- Let me come with you.
- No, I need you with the rest in case they are following, is not safe, and I will avoid been detected better if an alone.
- Ok, but be careful- Echo said while she tried to reach in for a kiss, but Bellamy didn't seem to notice and had already turned to leave in search for Clarke and Madi. Echo turn to join the others marching to the ship.

Madi and Clarke were hiding behind a big tree, Madi soundly asleep on Clarke lap, exhaustion beat her, all those blood marrow drills had taken a toll on her. Clarke listened carefully to check when exactly it was safe to go out and continue to the ship, she knows that's where Bellamy would send everyone, but she kept listening to the motorcycles of the sanctum guards that were after her and Madi. They were too close.
She had to be separated from Miller and Jackson while they were running, the guards wanted just Madi and were after her for their blood, so she made them followed her with Madi so Jackson and Miller could escaped, of course she didn't have time to tell them this, and even if she did they would have never let her do that.
Madi move violently in her sleep, sheidheda was at it again.
- Shhh, is okey , I am here- comforted her Clarke , she kept listening, when it seemed that the motorcycles were far away she decided it was time to move. She carry madi the best she could, she was already 13 , she was not longer a child, without waking her and started walking the fastest that she could.
When suddenly she hear the noise of someone coming right in front of her.
She tried to think where to hide but she just had enter a part with bushes and any tree was to far to reach it on time,so she was preparing herself to drop Madi and fight whoever it was, when she saw a familiar and more than welcoming face rise from the dark of the forest.
-Bellamy- she said relief.
- Clarke, where the hell were you ? Why did you separated from the rest.
He seem really upset, which Clarke could recognized as his usual overprotectiveness, that was especially strong this days, who could blame him after all that happen, but was starting to annoy her a little, she was a big girl and could take care of herself.
Even though she was thinking this she was about to patiently explain everything when they heard the sound of the motorcycles approaching, so she instead said:
- I will explain later we gotta move.
- Fine, - he was still mad, but he also heard the sound- but give Madi to me, we will move faster.
She quickly put Madi in his arms, that as and act of reflect knowing she was been separated from Clarke made a complaining sound, but soon enough cling her arms into Bellamy's neck, and when back to unconsciousness.

Clarke and Bellamy run a few meters before they found a space between two rocks where the three of them would fit and could watch without been notice, to know when it was safe to go out.
After a few minutes Clarke broke the silence
-I think... I think we can go out now, I don't hear them anymore.
-Wait one more minute, just to be sure- said Bellamy swallowing hard and trying to look anywhere but Clarke.

They where in a really uncomfortable position with their faces just a couple of centimeters from each other, and they bodies only been barely separated by Madi's. Clarke could count Bellamy freckles if she wanted to , and Bellamy could feel each agitated breathing of Clarke, so it was not wonder why they were both so eager to get out of there and continue their way to the ship.

-Okey, I think is clear, let's go- said Bellamy nodding his head to signal Clarke to go out first.
Clarke did has she was told and slowly walk out to check her surroundings and wait for Bellamy to go out.
-Finally, they left.
-Good, now we better hurry, we got 20 min to get to the ship or they will leave without us.
-Then we better run- she didn't question it, she knew that he probably told them to do that when he came to look for them. It was the safest option. She knew him too well.

They got to the ship right on time, Murphy was already about to close the gate when they came running inside.

-Hey finally, you made it , Raven wouldn't shut up about that we had to leave....
-SHUT UP AND CLOSE THE GATE MURPHY- said Clarke and Bellamy breathless at unison.

Once they were in the air and traveling steady Clarke went to Bellamy to get Madi.
-Give her to me I take her to a room when we get to the mothership.
- I can take her, she's heavy and you are still recuperating from the body snatch.- told him stubbornly.
- Fine, - Clarke contained the impulse of putting her eyes blank, here he was overprotecting her again, but she didn't say anything about it, it was sweet that he was worry for her after all- but until we get there, then you give her to me- she just wanted to put her on new closes and lied down with her to sleep, she felt extremely exhausted, and she could not imagine how Bellamy must be feeling, who, she knew had less sleep than her , if any, in the last week.

Murphy had tried to said something to her several times during the fly, but every time he open his mouth he just shut it again, and throw different kinds of looks between her and Bellamy, that were mostly ignoring him, deep in its own thoughts. Clarke prefer he didn't say anything, she was to tired to talk, let alone think, and argue, what was done, was done, and nothing was going to change it, they would have time to deal with it later. Meanwhile, Bellamy was still pissed at him, but as Clarke was to tired to deal with it, so if Murphy wanted to said something to him, right now he really didn't care, and surely he was not going to help him said it.

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