Hide you Heart

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In the palace Dinning room Gabriel and Bellamy had arrived as they previously had agreed. They waited there just 5 min and know that something was wrong. Clarke should be there by now. They went running to Russell's room, just to find the door wide open.

- Something is not right ...- Gabriel Said.- This door is never open.

Bellamy's nerves, who were at his highest already, did nothing but star to make him panic. He looked around the room for any signal that his worries were unfounded. Unfortunately, he found right the opposite.

There was a little pool Black liquid on the floor

- Is that Blood?- He asked Gabriel , but he already know the answer.

- He must have hit her with this lamp- he answered holding a broken piece of what it look like ceramic.- come on they can't be far.

Gabriel Run outside with Bellamy right behind him. He could not lose her. Not again.

When Clarke woke up she was been carried by Russell.

- Russell is over, you can't win, you are alone.

- Not is not, I am gonna use your bone marrow too bring everyone back. I would do it even if a have to suck you dry.

Clarke was weak and had both of her hands tied, but she was starting to recognize where they were, her mind was working as fast as it could. Russell had a small suitcase on his right hand, the one that was holding her legs. She had seen that box before, that must have been what he went to looked for in his room. Inside were all the primes mind-drives.

- So we are out of Sanctum, where are you planning to make the procedure here in the middle of the woods?- she said to distract him of focusing to much on her. They were in a zone surrounded by trees that were really close to each other, it make hard to see, plus it was dark.

- I will take you to one of the facilities from our early days in Sanctum, are more than for any eventuality like This one.

Clarke was only half listening, she just saw a part that she recognized, right ahead was little cliff that she could use to make her escape. And then was when she hear him.


   It was Bellamy. He had found her. He and Gabriel were running towards them.

- Russell put her down - said Gabriel pointing a gun to him.

Russell froze a minute and then take off running with Clarke, who taking advantage of his distraction, lift one on her knees fast and hard into Russell jaw, making him let her fall, and with the other foot she kicked the suitcase off his hand making it fall far away from them.

Russell had recover from the surprise and was about to go to get her again, but she roll and push herself to fall over the little cliff that she saw before, with Bellamy and Gabriel so close he didn't have the time to go for her and recover the suitcase. So cursing he got the suitcase and ran off.

Bellamy,  who had seen everything from afar , couldn't care less where Russell went and left it to Gabriel to follow, while he throw himself to the cliff to look for Clarke. She had shape herself in fetal pose to minimize the damage. When Bellamy found her she gave him a smile, smile that wasn't returned , he just went and hug her. She reciprocated the feeling, those hugs of theirs that said so much more that if they scream at each other, she was in her favorite place in the world and,as always, all she could do was inhale his scent, a mix of woods, grass , sweat and Bellamy.

When they hear someone coming they separate, and as they were standing Clarke notice something was wrong, she fall back down when she felt a piercing pain in her left ankle.

-Clarke are you okey?- Said Bellamy alarmed by the scream she just let out.

- I think is my ankle, damn it, maybe is just sprained , it should be fine- that was a certifiable lie, she was sure something was broken , but she wasn't about to tell that to Mr."overprotective" Blake.

The person that they hear before turned out to be Gabriel , that came out of the woods.

- I lost him, and he will be hard to find, he know this place as well as me, he was the one who map it.

- that is tomorrow's problem then- said Bellamy and without a notice he just kneel down and took Clarke in his arms, taking her by surprise, she wanted to protest but when she saw how serious Bellamy was she decided that it was better to keep quiet and let him carry her, not that been this close to him bother her.

When they arrived to Sanctum the fighting was over the people had won and the guard were tied or locked down in some buildings. Clarke was good care by a doctor, who confirmed her suspicions, the bone was broken, but it was a small fractured, it will heal fast. He put some bandages to stabilized and immobilize the foot.

Meanwhile Raven had, with the help of some people, pack herself with a lot of books, from bugs, animal, plants, and grown of the land in Sanctum to how to forge metal or steel from scratch. All the information that they needed was there. Miller had been doing his part, collecting food. The owner of the tavern were more than happy to provide him with enough food and desserts for all the people that was awake on the ship, and Bellamy was talking with Gabriel about the land and showing him where we were planning to build. When Clarke meet them where they were she just listen, not really wanting to participate in the discussion. Bellamy saw her, but he pretended as he didn't.

- Gabriel i was wondering, who is gonna be in charge of Sanctum now?- Clarke asked after him and Bellamy finish talking.

- We will see, people first need to get comfortable with us, we need to trust each other and that will take time. The good thing about the way Sanctum is structure is that all the people is self sufficient, they barely need it to be guided, it would be fine, and as you can see your people are welcome.

That made Clarke smile, the truth was that after everything that had happen she didn't want to put a foot in Sanctum again unless it was necessary.

In the morning they went back to the ship, with Bellamy and Raven carrying a lot of the things, and Miller  carrying Clarke on his back, she had protested but Miller insisted on doing it, making an excuse about how much time it will take them to reach the ship if she went walking by herself with the stick she use for support. So Clarke carried hers and Millers bags . By the time they made it to the ship they couldn't stop laughing, making jokes about how much Clarke  weight. Even Raven laugh, but Bellamy was as serious as the night before.

They went back to the mothership with high spirits, Clarke couldn't stop thinking about the promised of doing better to Monty. They just free Sanctum with barely injured people and not dead. That filled her with hope. If only she could shared her thoughts with Bellamy, but with the humor that he was in she didn't dare until she figured why was he so mad.

After Sanctum (The 100)Bellarke fanficWhere stories live. Discover now