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When Bellamy pass through the bushes, he was momentarily blinded by the green brightness of the wall of moving green clouds. His eyes got used to the sudden change just in time to see Abby.. Simone get closer enough to touch Clarke, who looked hypnotize and had hopeless expression on her face. He shouted at her waking her up of her trance, just to her started getting into a fight with Simone.

Clarke and Simone fall to the ground after Simone threw the first punch, that Clarke avoid for too little, thing that Bellamy was grateful for, she had her face swollen enough already. Clarke grabbed Simone by the shoulders and both fall to the floor and started rolling while one tried to beat the other. Russel who had just recover, was rising from the floor to help Simone out, but Bellamy had already reach his side and forced him to fall again to the ground on his back with his foot on Russell's chest.

- I don't think so. - Bellamy said and looked at Gabriel, that had follow him, who understanding  had started to taking out a rope.

Octavia was going towards  where Clarke a Simone were fighting , they had rolled quite far from them and it looked like Clarke was winning, but when they saw Octavia approaching Simone took the chance and grabbed a hold of Clarke by her neck made them both stand and dragged a knife, that no one had seen before, and pointed it right to Clarke's throat. This made Octavia stop in her tracks and started analyzing the situation.

- You don't wanna do that.- she said, walking slowly towards them.

Bellamy who at seeing this,  felt his heart about
get out of his chest for like the fifth time today, run towards them and only stop when Octavia grabbed his arm to hold him off. He saw her shaking her head in a negative and he had to content himself with pointing the gun to Simone, although he didn't have a clear shot.

- Why not ? She killed my daughter, and destroyed my home- Simone said with all the calm in the world, like she wasn't been beaten by Clarke just seconds ago.

It was a strange sight to see, The body who once was Abby's, with her hair all around her head with pieces of dirt and leaves , flying with the wind , and with a cold and angry expression could made anyone have chill on their spine, was holding a knife to Abby's daughter's throat. Clarke had a focus face, and a hand on Simone's arm that looked like she was trying to use force to get rid of her hold. She was looking straight up to Bellamy, she knew he would be the only one that would get what she was trying to do.

- This is what is gonna happen- kept saying Simone while was walking backwards and dragging Clarke with her. They were getting dangerously close to the anomaly. Bellamy and Octavia followed them one step at a time, never  letting them get out of their sight. - You would let my husband go, and we are escaping without you follow us, or this little pregnant bitch dies... was a clear?

Octavia stop suddenly surprise at Simone's words and looked at Bellamy who was unfazed , he didn't even look at her he just nodded at her silent question, as he could feel that she was staring at him, but this was not the time to explain. Octavia regained focus and kept her position still moving forward.

- yeah, like we are going to let you to walk after everything you have done- said Clarke at her, she nodded at Bellamy almost imperceptibly, but he got it and prepared himself to take the shot.Clarke saw that Simone's attention was as divided with what to say next, so she took the chance and with one hand grabbed the blade of the knife to protect her throat and with the other one on Simone's arm she pushed her forward so she was be left exposed and Bellamy
took the shot to her arm. Simone screamed in pain and let go of the knife, while stumble a few steps backwards trying to regain balance but before she could Clarke turned and kicked her , making her fall into the anomaly.

- Nooooo - Russell scream made everyone turn, he was running towards the anomaly, and before anyone could stop him , he enter in it right behind his wife. He had manage to escape Gabriel before he finished tied him up and push him aside.

Everyone stop there, in shock for a few seconds. So many things happen in just seconds, there were analyzing what had just happen when a loud sob drive them out of their thoughts.

Clarke was kneeling and crying with her hands on her mouth, trying to suppress her sobs that came every now and then stronger, tears dropping not stop from her face. Bellamy was next in a matter of seconds, before even Gabriel and Octavia could understand what was happening, he had Clarke surrounded in a hug.

- shh... is okey... let it out, let it all out.- he said to Clarke

- I had to see it- Clarke said between sobs - and I did, she is really dead....

- Yes, and she deserves a proper goodbye.

- In peace, may you leave this shore. - started saying Octavia that was getting close to them from behind.

- In love, may you find the next - continue Bellamy

- sage passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground- finished Clarke

-  May we meet again - they say together -yu gonplei ste odon

- Well it seems that I have miss quite the events- said a voice behind them.

They all froze, they recognized that voice. Slowly they turn their heads to see the person who had talk.

Diyoza was standing right in front of them , dressed in very peculiar way, but the most distinctive thing about her , was the little girl that was right next to her.

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