Keep Calm, Watch, Listen and Rest.

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After they reach the mothership Clarke jump up her sit and went to Bellamy to get Madi from his arms. She just wanted to take care of her child and not think of anything or anyone else right now, dealing with the drama and the questions following of the events of the past week was something she really was not up to at this moment.
Even though she wanted to be discrete at sneaking out, Bellamy know her too well so she just let be for now and let her carry Madi. He knew that she was shielding herself from everyone else as she always did and try to be the strongest person there, even after everything that happen to her, she didn't want anyone to worry about her. He follow her and Murphy ,who was the first to leave,to the mothership where the rest was waiting .
Bellamy look around and decided to be quick about it, ( all looked like the hell they just went through)
- Okey guys, let do this quick Miller help Jackson and Abby take Jordan to the infirmary to stabilized him. I think I hear the risk has pass so should not be that long. Everyone else who needs medical attention like cuts or other minor injuries got with them and take care of them before going to bed, yes that includes you Echo and you too Murphy, make sure that bound on you leg if fine. The rest just go to take a shower, sleep, whatever you want just take a rest and we meet in the morning.
When everyone was about to obey Clarke interrupt their movement.
- By the way guys, thanks.- She said really quickly and loud enough so all could hear her, and without expecting  any kind of respond of the surprise group, she turn around on the way of her room and disappeared in the hallways.
The group seem to have wake up of a spell right after she disappeared, and as nothing had happen everyone follow their way.
Bellamy who hadn't miss her shyness started to worry more but before he could decided to go after her Echo was next to him.
- You also should go to sleep Bellamy, Clarke mentioned that you really haven't sleep in days-she said worried.
-She did, uh?- (of course she did) he said with a smile, and still a little absence with his thoughts- I'll go now, you go check that cut.- and with a pad in Echo's shoulder he left to his room.
Echo watch him walk away with his eyes absence, she always could tell went he was loss in his thoughts, and sometimes guess where those were directed, only that this time she wish she was wrong, with this in mind and a sinking feeling she started her way to the infirmary to treat the cut that had been bothering her the entire day, she took a look a it, and it was still as before, black. She was a nightblood now.

Bellamy entre his room and just took a moment to stand still and look around, all the things that happen in the last week, in last hours, now look like a bad nightmare, like it always did, finally he could relax a little having everyone save again. With this calming thought he went to the bathroom and take the first shower in what it felt like ages, feeling as if the water took all weight of the problems away, at least for the night. When he finally got change and went to bed his mind had wrapped around all that happen (sanctum, the children of Gabriel, Gabriel, Octavia... and Clarke), and with the last worried memory about Clarke's behavior before, he felt in a deep but uneasy sleep, wondering when was the last time she wasn't the last time he thought about before sleep.
He was already deep asleep when Echo got into the room, she had already clean herself up, and when she was about to fall asleep next to him she hear him mumbling, and just like that confirming her previous suspicions.

When Clarke woke up from the nightmare she felt all her body aching, the adrenaline that kept her moving yesterday was gone. She was so tired, so weak mentally and physically, but most that all emotionally, it seen a miracle to be alone in her body again, alive, and all thanks to Bellamy....
The thought of Bellamy made wish her wish he was next to her to calm her down after the nightmare she just had, like the night before. The longing of his touch, his presence in this moment when she need it was so painful that she had to force herself to think of something else. She could not think about him like that, she never allowed herself to think about him like that before, and she never will be able to do it. He was not hers to wish, and never will be.
She looked around her. Her mother was sleeping in the other bed, Clarke heard when she came into the room minutes after she laid down next to Madi, after cleaning her up and take a shower herself , but she didn't open her eyes then, nor when her mother leaned to kiss her forehead and check her breathing as to make sure she was still fine (not that she could blame her), she just didn't want to talk with anyone about anything, she wanted to keep the ilusión of bless oblivion a little longer.
She focused on the 13 year old girls she had next to her, her poor baby, she was gone a week and everything with the damn flame backfire. She need to talk to her to convinced her to tell her the code to take it out. But that will come later. Right now she just felt grateful that she was next to her breathing, and finally sleeping soundly. As if Madi listen to her thoughts she move like she was looking for something, and apparently found it when she reach Clarke's waist and wrapped her arms around it, bringing her close and putting her little head on Clarke's chest.
This little act made Clarke smile, and in return she hug her " strik natblida" and went back to sleep.

The next morning everyone started gathering at the main room little by little to take breakfast ( or whatever monty's algae could be considered). When Bellamy came in almost everyone was there sitting around 2 big tables, talking and with a the bold of algae in their hands. Only Murphy and Emori were standing in a corner communicating through whispers in it seem an argument. Before he noticed Echo's in front of him handing a bold with algae, he saw her existing the room this morning before he wake up, if it wasn't for that he would had thought she didn't went to sleep at all.
- Thank you- he said and went to a empty table to sit with his girlfriend.
- How did you sleep?- Echo asked him.
- It was fine, I just grateful that I was able to.- he said with a bitter smirk.- and you? You woke up really early.
- is just habit, I... had a lot on my head- she said doubting if she should talk about what was bothering her, or she should pay more attention before taking action.
- I know. Don't we all? Is okey, we are going to be fine, we'll get through this- he told her while putting a hand over hers, a really light and soft touch... and a brief one, - we always do- ended taking  his hand back and going back to eating the algae, sinking back to his thoughts.
- You need to tell how did you manage to save Clarke, she just explained it to me briefly. - she said trying to get more information.
- And you , how you became a nightblood- He answer trying to change the subject, he didn't want to remember all those moments when he thought he would lose Clarke, he did felt like sharing it, not even to Echo. - that could not be easy.- He looked at her with worry wanting her to open up to him about it.
- It was fine, Ryker wasn't that lucky when i was done with him though- she said closing herself up again- Russell wanted to try the bone marrow and use me as test subject, and if it was successful i was going to be Simmone. We all know how that ended- she said taking importance of it, as if been in danger of been body snatch was something that happens everyday,  drinking the last of her algae.
Bellamy took a deep breath and nod putting end at the conversation. He tried, but he wasn't gonna force her to talk about something she didn't want to. He finished the algae and get up as the room fell into silence.

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