Expect the Unexpected

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After she took a quick shower , Clarke decided to wake Madi up, but  before she could, she heard her screams  and rushed to enter the room. Madi was shaking and cold at the touch, Clarke desperately tried to wake her , but it was not use she kept screaming in trig.

- teik ai gyon au , fap of ai - (let me go , get off me ) she screamed over and over again.

- Madi WAKE UP!!! - Clarke shout while shaking her trying to woke her.

- yu ste a wuskripa , wan op -(You are a monster , die) Madi said.

When Clarke finally woke her Madi started crying.

- ai don't gaf in em, beja fous ai -(I don't want it, please do not make me) Madi said hiding her face in Clarke's arms.

- Madi you are sweating- said Clarke alarmed, she had just noticed Madi was soaking wet , she lifted Madi up and helped her walk to the infirmary, she was really weak.

When they reached the infirmary Clarke shouted for her Mom to come, but she wasn't in sight, and apparently neither there because Jackson was the one that came running to help her take Madi to a bed. Madi was still shaking uncontrollably but awake and responsive, she had gone pale and looked tired, although she just woke up. Clarke was nervous, but she kept a comforting face to Madi while she dried her with a towels, Jackson was examining her pulse and then made her a full body check. Clarke wanted to look for dry and more comfortable, but when she suggested it Madi held her hand tighter and shook her head, so Clarke stay put.

- Clarke, she is fine- said Jackson when he finished - she is just a little dehydrated for the sweating, and she had her defenses down , she might have catch a cold, but nothing serious, but is probably why the nightmare affected her so much, she needs rest, we keep a eye on her for a few hours.

- Thank you, I was too nervous to think clearly.

- is fine - he answer.

- Where's my mom?- she asked

- Raven calles her for something.

When he said this they were both coming through the door, Raven seem nervous.
Clarke saw that Madi had fallen sleep and breath in relieve, as she started to stand up she feel all the adrenaline from before drain out of her body, and the last thing she knew was that she was getting closer to the floor, and everything went dark.

Bellamy was talking with Emori and the Eligius prisoners in the control room. They needed to finish the sealing of the bunker, but it was kinda tricky so they were just throwing ideas.

- ... that way we could seal it completely. - finished saying one of the prisoner named Jacob.

- Ok, that could work, but now that I think about it, how are we doing with the oxygen, normally we will have a machine for that but with the amount of caves, we need a whole system.- pointed Bellamy out.

- Yeah, now that the caves are stable and reinforced we should created a system to produce the oxygen or purified the air that comes in - said another of the prisoners named Jared.

They kept talking about for like and hour, and Bellamy mention that Raven would be really helpful in the design of the ventilation system, but she was nowhere to be seen. Emori said that she had gone talk somethings with Abby.
Before Bellamy has chance to asked he saw Echo entering the control room and made him a signal that she wanted to talk to him.

- Excuse for a moment - he said to the others and walked towards Echo until he was facing her- What is it?

- I want to go in the next trip down. - she said, Echo and him had always been like this, straight to the point.

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