Here and Now

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After locking the door Bellamy turn around to face Clarke.

- What the hell Bellamy? - she said with an indignant tone.

- Are seriously asking? You told me to forget about it  and leave before I could even open my mouth and before run away crying without explaining after what happen. I thought that I should give you space, let you process everything, but you are just avoiding it and we NEED to talk about this. I am NOT okay with just pretending it didn't happen.

- Why not ? Is the best for us- she said in a begging manner, she had her eyes on the ground- Bellamy...

- Best for us? How? According to who?, Clarke I showed you how I feel, and you can't say that don't feel the same way, if you didn't you wouldn't have responded how you did- he said getting closer to her and grabbing her face in his hands - please talk to me.

Clarke, who hadn't rise her eyes, finally looked at him, and doing so she broke. Her eyes started to fill with tears, she hated that that happen, but she couldn't help it, Bellamy was her save place, the person she didn't have to be strong with , because he gave her the strength she needed, at this point it was unconscious that her walls fell in his presence.

- I can't lose you too- she said plainly- I refuse to lose you. - when she saw Bellamy confuse face she continued- Don't you see the pattern? Bellamy.... I quit love a long time ago. I can let anybody else die for me, for my choices , is my burden . Finn, Lexa, even Wells are my curse, and don't get me started on Killian killing himself after he couldn't kidnap me. Is just a patron that I refuse to let continue.

Bellamy was alarm with what he was hearing , he knew that Clarke had a lot of accumulated guild that didn't belong to her, but this was so different from he had expected for her to say.

- Clarke , we are not responsible for others actions, we already have enough baggage as it is with on own choices and mistakes. You are not curse, I don't know anyone more selfless than you, you have never put yourself first, and as much as that can pissed me off when it comes to your safety, is also one of the reasons I am so and irremediably in love with you- as he said this , he leaned so their foreheads touched and wiped her tears with his thumps .- I get that you are scared but we are not in war, there is no one that want to hurt us right now. We are here, and we have to enjoy our now. No one better than us know that life is unpredictable.

- Bellamy i...- she didn't have a response to that, as much she wanted to discuss she just couldn't, he was so close right now, and she just gave up. Her day had been awful, and she was yearning for his contact, so desperately. The next thing she did surprised them both. She just pulled Bellamy and kissed him, erasing the space that was between them until there was none. This kiss was different from the last, she was discovering his mouth slowly, feeling everything deeply, but she also was grabbing his shirt hard, like she didn't couldn't bear even a centimeter of distance.

He was gentle , he was treating her as she was made of glass, returning her embrace, putting his arms in her back and her hair, god he loved to touch her hair. He started to pull her shirt off, making her released him for a second, just to put her arms around his neck and start to lifting his shirt with her fingers so slowly that it hurt.

Clarke wanted to enjoy every touch, breath, and feeling that Bellamy made her feel , when she finished of taking his shirt off and their skins came in contact, she felt his member grow right in the middle of her legs, and she knew there was not going back, she was lost in him and she loved how fast her body responded to his.

Bellamy felt the change of  pace in Clarke's movements when she put her hand in the edge of his pants to start getting rid of them, so he started walking to the bed while kissing her neck, and untying her bra. He could hear Clarke little moanings of pleasure and her hands going through his back as if she wanted to memorize it. Without even noticed it they were on the bed completely naked.

Bellamy stopped just a second to contemplate Clarke, watching her catch her breath while she was caressing his face watching him like only she could. She had in her face awe and admiration, he never thought that been this close to her could feel like he had been missing something his whole life, and he just recovered it. with this feeling he kept on kissing her all over, adoring every part of her body, her neck, her breasts, her abdomen, until he almost reach her spot, while Clarke could only moan and enjoyed it feeling the muscles of his back and the texture of his curly hair. When he went back on kissing her mouth she attacked his tongue so fearlessly that Bellamy let out a sound of pure pleasure, and the urgency in his member reach his limit asking a release.

- Clarke I....

- Do it- she answered, she need it  too.

With one and smooth move Bellamy went inside her, and started moving at a slow rhythm, torturing Clarke  switching between her lips and nipples slyly bitting them for turns, making her ask for more. her previous experiences had no been like this, she didn't know if it was because she was madly in love of the man who was making love to her, or he was just so damn good on bed, or both, but she felt complete and happy. Happier that she had felt in a long time.

Clarke didn't want to be the only one with benefits, she started to bite Bellamy back when was in her lips and hold his head in place while he move, bitting his ear and using her tongue in other places, that made him go mad, and Clarke pleased with his reaction went back to kissing him hard and passionately. When they both reach their climax they screamed each other names while they kept on kissing, and Bellamy collapsed next to Clarke. They kept quiet for a few minutes while recovering the air.

Clarke move to be a little over Bellamy putting her head on his naked chest. Bellamy just kept waiting to hear what she needed to say and gently put a strain of her hair behind her ear while they looked at each other.

- Do you know why I was avoiding you and escaping from you?- she asked him

- Why ? I thought we covered that already . - he said

- Mostly Yes, but if it was just that i would have convinced you that it was the best to forget it. but the truth is that ... I couldn't convince you of something I wasn't convinced either, because my fear was even bigger than in other cases .... because i... - she stopped for a second and took a deep breath- What I feel for you, what I always felt, is more intense that what I have felt for anyone before... and that scares me. My will completely breaks when it comes to you.

Bellamy took a moment to process her words . He didn't know what to said, but as always, for him actions speak louder than words. So he lifted her up and kissed her , trying to transmit with that kiss all that her words meant to him, how much he loved her. He had made love to her like he never thought he could, the passion and adoration that he felt for the girl in his arms were beyond him, and actually as she, it scared him. Just like that he realize that he never was gonna have enough of her, of this, and he never was letting go.

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