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It was almost dark when Clarke wake up. She spent almost 5 min with her eyes shut before she attempted to open them. She felt as if her eyes weighted tons when she tried open them. When she was able to do it she simply lied there analyzing where she was. She was inside a tent and over an improvised bed , it was clearly put together in a hurry, with the sheets cover with some dry black drops of, she was guessing , it was her blood.When she finally was able to gather the strength, she started to slowly stand up. Her whole body ached in complain. She was able to sit and she started to remember the events from the past night. Russell, Echo, Blood, Murphy, Bellamy...her mother. She shake the thought out of her head, she wasn't ready to deal with it, so she started to asses her injuries.

The first thing she did was put her hand on her belly , it was like a reflex, she did it without thinking. She knew it was silly, her belly was as flat as the day before, but she was so grateful that after  everything that happen, she didn't receive a hit on her abdomen or in any other place that could threaten her baby.She took a deep breath and continue checking her body.

Someone had done a clumsy, but effective job on banding her leg , she could see that the bleeding had stopped , but the bandage needed to be change, it was really dirty after absorbing all the blood. She tried to touch her face really carefully, she felt a sly numbness over her lip but not so much pain as last night, she could felt that it was really swollen though.

She was finally feeling strong enough and was standing when she heard him.

- What the hell do you think you are doing?- that made Clarke raised her head to the door of the tent.

Bellamy had enter the tent and was standing from there looking at her in a reprimand manner. He had bags in his eyes, and look really tired, but that didn't avoid that Clarke's heart started beating faster when she contemplate him as he was the most precious thing. It was unfair that still been a mess he looked so hot, she thought to herself.

- I was thinking on standing- she said sarcastically- you know that action that our two legs are made for.

- Look at that, you even have energy to joke. You are not going anywhere. At least not for the rest of the day, that is not much - he said closing in to her.- you have been asleep for more than 12 hours.

- I don't feel like it, everything hurts- she said pouting, thing that made Bellamy melt.- I most look horrible- she said fixing her hair with her fingers .

Bellamy didn't think so, besides her swollen lip and a little brushing on her cheek she was fine, and still look beautiful to him, but still he said:

- Yeah, you are a mess, more reason to stay inside.- he was trying to hide a smile, when he saw the annoyed look that she threw at him.

- Well I can't look worse than you- she said half joking- have you sleep at all today?- she asked him, but she knew the answer and she patted next to her for him to come and lay down.

When Bellamy looked at that he didn't even hesitate, he was so tired. He sat letting Clarke pulled him down to laid his head on her lap while she caress his forehead, and play with his head. He close his eyes enjoy of the moment.

They were like this for a few minutes, just enjoying the company of the other, listening to each other breathings. Both were accepting the fact they were together and that the bad things passed. Bellamy was the most calm that he had been in the previous 24 hours. He needed sleep,but some thoughts couldn't leave his head.

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