Distractions are a bitch

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Half of the crew on the ship woke up with a collective headache, so when Bellamy went to have breakfast he found the room almost completely empty the only ones there were Abby,  Raven an a handful of people.

- You look lo sh*t- said Raven when she saw him come in .

- Hello to you too- Bellamy answer serving some good in plate and sit next to her to start eating- I am guessing no one else could get up?

- Nop, i went to see Jackson and Miller and there was not human force that could wake them- answer Abby while she was finishing the last of her drink- same for Clarke, although Madi is awake and ready is you need her- she said joking - she is in the bathroom.

- Yeah, Octavia is out too, what the hell was that vine made of?- Bellamy wonder but considering how all the thing in Sanctum were, that the vine had that effect was not surprising.

- Is a berry that is found in some kind of trees that are close to the anomaly.- said Abby, she knew his question was rhetoric but she still answer.

- So I see you already checked the books we brought. - Bellamy pointed. - that's good if you make us a list we can send a team to collect some, so we can stock and start familiarizing with them.

- sure I can start doing that without Jackson, it seems that today's is gonna be a slow day.- she said standing up.

- Abby wait for me- Raven said, but she still hadn't finished to eat- I still need to checked the books too I need to make a list of what we need to start working the metal for the radiation shield.

- Don't worry Raven I still going to take some breakfast to Clarke I wait for you in the workshop.- she had taken some food already and was leaving when Madi enter the room.- Madi remember you have to wait for Gaia.

- Oh come on, everyone is asleep and didn't Gaia drink last night too? Besides, Clarke's no even here.

- Nice try- Gaia's voice came from behind her- but you have to keep you training and for Clarke don't worry, I already talk with her, she is not coming because she feels awful. Come on.

Madi reluctantly follow Gaia, and Abby continue her way with a little smirk in her lips, Madi remained her of Clarke at that age, too clever for her own good.

Bellamy who had raised his head when Madi mention Clarke went back to focus on his meal.
Raven who didn't miss a thing asked casually.

- So, Why did you sleep in Octavia's room.

Bellamy didn't react immediately he was deep in thoughts so it took him some time to process her question. He was gonna answer that he needed a place to sleep when he noticed.

- How do you know I slept in my sister's room?- now he was focus, he didn't say a word about that.

- How do you know that Octavia isn't awake?- she said with he know it all tone, and a little smile.

Bellamy could have said that he checked on her this morning but that was a lousy lie, and he was too tired to avoid Raven questions, so he just went for the truth.

- I Broke up with Echo last night. - he said and lower his head to keep eating, waiting for raven to burst and start interrogating him, but what he felt was a hand over his.

- I was for the best. - when Bellamy raised his head he saw Raven smiling as if she supported his decision, and for the first time since he went out of Echo's room he knew he made the right choice.

After they finished eating each of them went for their different task, people wake up as the day went on, by midnight everyone was awake and eating dinner so Bellamy took the opportunity to organize a group to go down the next day , they had Abby's and Raven's list and he wanted to see the field as in they last trip couldn't, and just like that 3 weeks passed. They had made a lot of progress they had clean up the ground where they were gonna build, and Raven, Emori and other engineers were able to produce the metal , so they had already started setting the foundation for the radiation shield, and were making plans for building the bunkers in the caves that surrounded the mountain that was in the back part of the terrain. Everyone was pretty active and optimistic, even Bellamy that had been in some bad mood some days, was happy to had something to keep his head busy. The trip down to the planet had been all successful, although he could have sworn someone was following them at times or they were been watch, but he always discarded it as he been paranoid.

Unfortunately there was one person who wasn't that happy, Clarke had been stuck in her room all that time, her ankle needed healing so her mother made her stay put. She just speak with Madi and Gaia before they leave to train, and to Madi to put her to sleep, but the rest of the day she spent it alone. She tried to keep her mind her mind busy , her mind wasn't a good place to be alone with. She focus on her drawing, she draw everything she could think of, but this didn't seem  to help but the opposite she actually. Memories that she wanted to bury kept showing and materializing on her drawings, Lexa been shot by Titus, she slapping Bellamy , Madi been sucked bone marrow.The worse part was that they took shape in her dreams, more than once her mother had to wake her so her screaming didn't wake Madi up. By the end of the three weeks, sick of the paper she was starting to draw on the walls ,mimicking her mind space , so when her mother told that she could stand again she couldn't be happier.
The first time she came out of the room she felt like had escape for the first time Mount Weather all over again. She went straight to check on Gaia and Madi. They had made really good progress, Madi was already was good at fighting but with Gaia's guidance she became a faster one, her responses were ready on point, and the meditation and classes about the flame were intense, but it was still the question if she was gonna be able to manage Sheidheda when they put the flame back in.

The next day she went to find Bellamy, she couldn't find him in the dining room with the others, she found him in the control room, he was examining a blueprints, she took a look right up his shoulder. Bellamy who had been too focus to noticed that she came in jumped when he felt her.

- Clarke, is you- he said when he recover the voice, he had been avoiding meetings her all this days, he couldn't tell exactly why, he just felt completely lost when he saw her right there so close to him.

- Yes, sorry that I scared you- she said shy, and gave a steps back, suddenly too conscious of their closeness. - I was looking for you.

- What for? - he asked trying to focus on the blueprint again

- I want to go on the next expedition with you?

Bellamy stayed in silence a minute just looking at the table, then he just plainly said

- No

After Sanctum (The 100)Bellarke fanficWhere stories live. Discover now