The things that we don't say

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- you want me .... to talk.- he said. He looked at her like she just told him that she was dying.

- Yes Murphy if I fall asleep I am gonna be heavier to carry if we have to run. So suck it up a talk about something. You always had something to say why you suddenly are out of words. You have been for a while. At least with me.

Murphy didn't respond to that, and decided to change the subject.

- I... kinda propose to Emori...- he just said the first thing that pop in his head, but he regretted instantly, he haven't even talk about this with Bellamy , but right now she was the only thing he got in his mind.

Clarke was surprise by his choice and would have crack in laughter when he blushed, if the pain of her nose and thigh weren't killing her. So instead she just giggled a little and said.

- that's sweet, what did she say?- she asked just to pock on him a little.

- she said yes - he said looking away.- it wasn't really a proposal proposal. It's not like we have marriage here. It was more like... " would you stay eternally with me" kinda proposal .

- well is the same, the only difference is that marriage is " till death do us apart" and being inmortal takes out the death part. - Clarke said.

Murphy got still, and looked at her again with a big question in his face.

- you said "eternally " I supposed the proposal was when you two discussed becoming primes.

- Clarke I...- Murphy started, he had the same expression that all those times that he had tried to talk to her, and Clarke to that like the other times he wasn't gonna say anything and look away. But that was not the case. - Why aren't you mad?

That question made Clarke's mind clear a little, and forget about the pain. Why wasn't she mad? About what?

- What? What do you mean?- she asked.

- About the deal I did with Josephine.

- what about it?- she said now annoyed by Josephine's name.- Why should I?

- that's the thing Clarke. You didn't say anything, you didn't scream at me, insulted me,  or even gave me a disappointed or judging look. Is like you didn't even care I mess up.

- What is all this coming from?- Clarke couldn't understand why he would want her to do that. Not long ago he was bitching about morality to her, and how much she had screwed up.

- Why haven't you?- he insisted.

- I just didn't see the big deal about it. Is not like you actually care about whether I live or not. - she said tiresomely- I just... wasn't surprised or felt betrayed by it. So, why would I  be mad about it. You tried to avoid war, and in the process you tried to gain a bonus, immortality  is a big temptation after all.

They stayed silent for a while, Clarke wasn't feeling sleepy anymore so she led the silence be. She wonder if this was the reason that he had been so strange lately. Murphy was so difficult to understand, one day he could died for you and the other just send you straight to hell if that meant he didn't have to do it, so this sudden outburst was weird of him. Clarke had been totally sincere when she answer it. She didn't think that no one besides Bellamy, Madi and her mother would mourn her death, and the truth was that, she had made her peace with that. When she was trap in her mind space Madi was her mayor reason to fight, her wish to survive was very weak but it was still there, and Bellamy's words were the ones that brought her back. After a few minutes of rambling in her head, she thought that it should be save to continue the way.

- Hey, i don't hear anything near, i think is safe to go back to camp.- she said to Murphy, who listen a few seconds  and agreed with her and stand up to help her do the same.

- and By the way - he said before they started walking again.- I do care.

Bellamy had been looking for Clarke and Murphy around the woods on the direction that Miller had said they went, but with not luck, their trail was lost or got confused with,what Bellamy assumed , were the trails of Russell's minions that were looking for them too. He felt frustrated and anxious. He felt the tears threatening to come out but he fight them off. He leaned back to a tree and closed his eyes  for a few seconds. It had past 5 hours since the last time he saw Clarke, but he felt that it was longer than that. He thought on all the things he wanted to tell her. God he had so many things in his head right now. Since Raven told him that she was pregnant a lot of images had come to his head and refused to leave. Images of a future, hope, bright, and save for all of them.  He wanted all those images to be a reality , and he promised himself that they will, for him, for Clarke, and for their child.

He open his eyes, took a deep and continue looking around. He had told the other to tied Russell, paralyze him and take him to the camp. He spent close to half and hour trying made Russell tell him where Abby's body was, but without any result, he didn't say a word and just looked at him with hate. So he was alone right now, which he prefer in case he had to sneak in somewhere without been notice, but it was also a disadvantage if they were too many. For what Bellamy calculated , Russell should had only 5 people left, which was perfect for him.

He wondered about 10 min before he heard it . Footsteps approaching, and the sound of bushes moving . He hide behind a wide tree with his gun ready.For what he could hear, they were three. When he heard that they were right next to him he took a deep breath, and came out to face them.

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