Define yourself

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Clarke leaned on a wall, tired for having to walk with a stick. She had wanted to go back to the dinning room, where she could still hear people, to look for cup of water when the stick got stuck in a rack on the floor and almost made her fall, when she dropped the stick. Before she could recover her breath from the scare, someone was handing her the stick.

It was Octavia and she had a bottle of what it looked like the vine that they brought from Sanctum.

- Going for something?- Octavia asked using her head to signalize towards the dinning room- I don't recommend going right now, the vine has gone to Miller's head and him and Jordan are singing as if they know how to. It's the nights entertainment.

- What are they even singing?- Clarke asked holding her laughter, she couldn't remember a single song that they had taught them in the Ark, let alone one Miller and Jordan could both know.

- The primes song, you know the one that we're always playing in the speakers? Yeah, is not is the best song- added when she saw that Clarke twisted her face.

- Damn it, i just wanted something to drink.

- want to join?- Octavia said, holding the bottle of vine in front of Clarke- I don't think I can finish it on my own.

Clarke felt a little apprehensive about the invitation, but she decided that was about time she and Octavia had a long overdue talk, so she nodded and followed Octavia to her room.

When they were both seated on the bed and with the cups full of vine a silence set among them. None of them knew how to begin.

- I am sorry.....- both started at the same time, that made them laugh.- for what?- and they did it again. The tension of the room evaporated, as they drank and started to just letting everything go.

- You know I never gave you the credit that you deserved... about ton dc .... mount weather... that couldn't be easy, i certainly didn't imagine that I would end up making even worse decisions.- she said as she finished the first cup of vine and filled it again.

- No , you were right, I shouldn't have let me be dragged by Lexa, I should have find another way.

- Maybe but at least your brother doesn't refer to you as "The Queen of Cannibals" .

- Yeah well is not like I can get rid of my title of Wanheda can i?.

They spend like that about and hour, they finished the bottle at an alarming pace, not that it would had been any different with the conversation they were having, but with they non existent tolerance to alcohol they got dizzy pretty fast. Suddenly they heard knocking at the door, and they both kept silence like two teenagers who were just caught doing something bad.

-Octavia....- a male voice said- Can I come in?

For no apparent reason, Octavia and Clarke bursted into laughter, and among the giggles Octavia scream:


Bellamy opened the door some what alarm for his sister strange tone, but was set back when he contemplated the scene that was in front of him. Clarke and Octavia totally drunk like he never had seen them before. Clarke was laying on the bed trying to balance the a cup in her nose, without any success, while Octavia play with her own hair and was giggling.

- Hellooooo, big boter , come jo us, the more the fest.

Bellamy had just came to asked Octavia if he could sleep there tonight, he just broke up with Echo and was too exhausted to look for another empty room, the last thing he was expecting was this. Clarke had just notice who came in and smile like a kid who just saw a candy.

- Hi Bell .... you so cute- and started giggling

- Okey.... you two had enough to drink, where is the bottle?- he asked as he enter the room, close the room and started looking for it, but then Octavia and Clarke laugh harder, and he understood that the bottle was long gone.

- eyyy... big brofer, come here ... I need te yo sonetin - Octavia said as she wanted to shared a secret , so Bellamy lean over her .... just to be dragged and fall on the bed between the two of them- ai hod in yu bida bro (I love you big brother).- and them hang herself to him like if she was 12 again. It was funny how she managed to speak perfectly in Trig, but she butcher the English.

Clarke was just watching them and smiling. It was a long time since she saw them this close without fighting or filling the room of tension. Octavia had lay her head in Bellamy's chest as if was her safe place.

- You two look so cute, Octavia I think you are choking Bellamy- she finally said giggling, she couldn't help it , everything made her laugh- you two should stay like that forever- and went ahead and hugged them both, just to felt asleep on Bellamy's lap.

Bellamy didn't know what to do, laugh of cry. He they were, the two most important girls in his life , drunk , hugging him and asleep. He actually thought he should appreciate this moment, because with their luck this probably wouldn't happen again in ages. He had his reason to be mad at both of them, but right now he just felt complete. He gently put his sister on the bed next to him and made sure she was cover from cold. Then he turn his attention to Clarke, that with his movements woke up and was just a little sleepy.

- Come on Clarke, let's get you to your room - he said grabbing her and standing up with her in his arms.

Clarke was let her carried her , she was drowsy and dizzy but still was aware off his closeness, and she didn't want to let go. When the got to the door Bellamy made her incorporate careful standing in her good feet. He was going to knock the door but Clarke stopped him.

- Bellamy wait.

- Why? What is it? - he asked worried, her tone was still drowsy but more focus, and for his surprise she hugged him. She hugged him as only she could, tigh ,with her head sink into his neck, and with that sense that they always will belong there, in each other arms. Bellamy inhaled Clarke scented like it was his personal drug, he would never get tired of that smell. Clarke separated a little to look Bellamy into his eyes.

-J'aimerais pouvoir vous dire combien je vous aime - (I wish I could tell you how much I love you) she said in French.

Bellamy looked at her confused, he knew she still had somethings of Josephine mind in hers, but that phrase... I sounded like it was really important for her to said.

- God i wish ....- she said leaning every time closer to him, she was just right in front of his lips, they both had stopped breathing, but at the ended she went a kiss is cheek, so gently and so slowly that it actually hurt. - Thank you for bringing me.

Just like that the moment ended, leaving Bellamy confused watching her enter the room on her own with the help of the stick. He stayed in front of the door at least 5 minutes just thinking in what just happened, before leaving to Octavia's room to pass another sleepless night.

After Sanctum (The 100)Bellarke fanficWhere stories live. Discover now