The end if the road

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Seven months after....

Clarke sitting on the bed with her new born daughter while she watched Bellamy rocking their son that was crying a moment ago. She felt at peace and that image just made her smile and never wanted to look anywhere else.
She had been at labor a whole day but it was worth it.

It had past two days since then and Bellamy hadn't leave her side. She was sure that he had slept even less than her. It was a comforting loosing sleep over something that made them so happy. They were in their room on the main house. The could only heard the people outside working, shouting and laughing. Clarke even could here Echo's voice about them all just giving orders. She was made to be the commander, since she had taken the flame, Wonkru fell into harmony.

When they came back to the ship with the bunkers completely build Madi and Gaia had told her about the matter regarding the flame. Clarke already suspected something like this could happen from Madi's previous behavior and and had talked with Bellamy about a possible solution. There were 4 nightblood  who could take the flame. Murphy, Emori , Echo and herself. Murphy was out of the question, not only for obvious reasons, but most of Wonkru had been grounder who will only answer to a member of the original 12 clans, being skaikru eliminate him as much as eliminate Clarke. Emori was a grounder, but was hardly a leader and they were sure she wouldn't want the responsibility. That left them with Echo who was not only the last choice, but the best one. Being raised as a spy, a soldier gave her the experience and understanding of the job perfectly, she was also capable of leading and think fast, the clans would recognize her as their commander even though she was not a born natblida . After the convinced her they woke up the rest of the crew and the first thing they did when everyone was on the ground was perform the ritual with Gaia's help. Madi announced that Echo will be her successor because that was her wish and that was it. No one dare to say a word against it.

The process of construction was slowly picking up. They decided to follow some of Sanctum's designs on the houses and business positions, but they made them their own with more plain and shiny colors, that really made them feel like home. The first house that was build was the one the were in right now. Bellamy had given a lot of thought, more than Clarke had known. He had designed a whole house that serve the same purpose that the castle in Sanctum, without being pretentious about been better than the rest off the people as the primes did.

The house had in his totality 3 floors, the first floor was for public purposes, meeting room, garage ( that Raven loved), training room, and some offices and a medical center . The second room was the kitchen, dining room and living room, with four rooms that were inhabited. The first one was Murphy and Emori's, the second one Miller and Jackson's, the third one Echo's and the fourth was Jordan's.
The last floor were 5 rooms , one was Madi's , the other was Raven's , the third was Clarke and Bellamy 's and the fourth was Octavia's. The fifth room was the babies nursery. The the second and third room were connected to the nursery directly (something that Bellamy added at the last minute) so they can come running if something happen.

The others houses were smaller but each held families and some even were extensions of new businesses. Their home was taking shape in a way that Clarke thought was almost dream like.

Clarke's thoughts stopped wondering about when she heard a cry, she turned to look at her daughter but the little Aurora was still soundly asleep, then she look towards Bellamy who was also looking at her, searching the source of the cry, their son was smiling and playing at grabbing his father's shirt, so it was not him. Then they heard it, someone running up the stairs and entering a room. They both roll their eyes, baby Miles must have woken up and Raven was working down stairs.  It was always the same , before they could move a muscle toward the nursery , Raven was already there. She had an impressive energy for a single mom. She not just take care of her son by herself just accepting help once in a while, but she actually manage time to work.

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