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After  Clarke run out the only thing that Bellamy could think was to follow her, made her explain what she meant but, as always, duty called. Raven and Emori enter the room with a 6 more people carrying metal pieces before he could make a step. He froze in the spot and took him a minute to understand what Raven was saying to him.

-... so what do you think?- she finished asking.

Bellamy only could catch that she was referring to the pieces of what it looked like  the rest of the radiation shield.

- Yeah, I think they look great- he answer still absent minded, thinking about Clarke, without really knowing what he was talking about.

- Okey...,- Raven said, she noticed something was off, he didn't gave her the full answer ,but didn't want to push in front of everyone - so tomorrow I go down with the next group to finishing that shield so we can focus on sealing the carves.

- Yeah..., by then we could wake more people up to start the construction- he said, now more aware of what the conversation was about- is okey , get set to go tomorrow.

- Bellamy what happen to your neck?- Emori asked , she had walk near him to look at the blueprints that were on the table, now a little wrinkled , and she saw that on Bellamy's neck were scratches , and were red as if he had just made it.

- What?- He said just noticing the little burning feeling in the born off his hair, he cover it up as a reflection trying to find a believable excuse for it- Yeah I scratched myself by accident, i had itching.

- Yeah, totally, it always happen to me all the time - Raven said to help him out a little, although she also had noticed some papers were on the floor too, while in an almost inaudible whisper, after everything was busy positioning the metals to pack them in the ship she said - and I totally end with my hair disheveled, red, and with paper on the floor.- then throw a inquisitive look at him.

Bellamy did as he didn't hear her and went back to his blueprints, he thought about what had happen, and decided that he will wait for Clarke to calm down and see if she came herself to talk. he didn't want push her, he came to the conclusion that the best was give her time.

When Clarke arrived to her room  and close the door she just crumbled against it, her legs , that until that moment had supported her , failed her just as in the control room. She was already in tears, but she didn't how much emotion she was still holding, and as she break on the floor sobbing, letting all the sorrow and frustration out. She knew he meant every word and some how that made it worse. Before she could put Echo as an excuse, she could said he didn't feel the same way. Now she no longer have that luxury.

Bellamy had openly show her how he feels, and she did too, although not intentionally. She had been so careful before, she refuse to lose him , she wasn't gonna let him put himself in danger because of what they felt. Bellamy had always protected her, and that has always frightened her. She didn't want to imagine if that intensified what would happen. She had to cut this before it was too big.

After she calm herself down she went to work in the infirmary with her mother and Jackson, classifying herbs and plants. She force herself to not think of Bellamy the rest of the day.

Next day morning Bellamy send away the group of 20 people, including Raven, Emori, Echo, Miller,Jackson and for his surprise Murphy, he hadn't want to get down since they came back. His doubts were resolved when he saw that Emori was ignoring him, they must had had a fight, and Murphy was trying to make amends. He instructed Miller and Echo on some preventive measures. His relationship with Echo was almost back to normal, there was not weird silence of anything. Actually he noticed that their relationship was always like that, somewhat impersonal, and that their closeness was mostly physical. She was right, they work better as friends.

After Bellamy send them off he went to the infirmary, he had a pain in his lower back since yesterday was helping Raven with some of the pieces and someone hit him with one by accident. He wanted to asked Abby to help him with the pain, but he was meet for a blue eyes just as he crossed the doors. Clarke was there with a notebook in her hand taking notes, and she had raised her head when she hear the footsteps.

- Bellamy... - she said surprise - do you need something?- she tried to talk as normal as she could, but her hand was shaking showing how nervous she was.

-Ah..... Yeah... I ...- he started to answer, for a moment forgetting what was here for- where is you mom, I wanted to asked her to examine me .

- Do you feel bad?- suddenly the worry for him overlap the rest, she left the notebook and pen on a table and got closer to him.

- I got hurt with something yesterday and the pain has been bothering me.- he said, pretending not to notice that she was getting closer, and containing the impulse of go and kiss her.

- Well, my mother is busy with some things right now... do you want me to check it?

- Sure - He wasn't sure why he said that, he wanted so bad to talk about what happen but the words wouldn't materialize in his head, much less in his mouth, plus his back really hurt.

He laid down on a bed upside down while Clarke pull his shirt up to examine the wound. It was a small bruise, and a little deep scratch that got infect, and probably the reason with it bothering so much.

- is nothing, but it got infected so I have to clean it so can heal properly and stop hurting . Don't move.- she told him and went to look for the thing she needed to cured him.

Bellamy didn't say anything while Clarke was working, he just laid there still, and absorbed her soft touch. When he was done she noticed the scratches in his neck.

- Bellamy in your neck you have some scratches- she said while starting to clean the up too- How did you...?- she left half of the question in the air, she had finally found the answer.

- I didn't, you did -he said, and noticed that she had stopped for a moment to then continue without saying a word.

When she was done he get up and grabbed her arms bringing her closer. He could see it in her eyes that she knew they needed to talk.

- Clarke, what happen yesterday...- he started.

- Bellamy is fine , really - she didn't know what he wanted to say, but she didn't want to risk it, and neither wanted to hear him said he was sorry.- let's just.... let's just pretend it never happen okey? It would be better for the both of us. I have to go to look for my mom, don't let those bandages get wet.- and then she ran out of the infirmary.

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