The time Goes by

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Bellamy woke up in a dazed, he had just had a nightmare, normally he wouldn't paid attention to it, but it had been weeks since he had one. When he thought of this he turn his head to look the girl next to him, still soundly asleep. Clarke had drifted apart from him to the other side of the bed, which actually explained his nightmare, he didn't had any when the sleep together, and they rarely suspended the night separated now. He pulled her back to him, and tried to remember the nightmare, but it was too vague, he only remembered the forest.

It had been 4 weeks since the attacked but nothing else had happened since then, and it was eating inside. The inactivity was unsettling, and Clarke agreed with him that it was worrisome. After the attack, he had gone down to speak to Gabriel and organize the new safety measures. Gabriel didn't seem surprise with the attack, he told him that some people had left, most of them guards, and those were the ones that had been incondicional servants to the primes, the ones who has given them their entire lives, they refused to believe in the change and made a mission for them to find Russell and serve him. He just confirmed Clarke's theory, but that didn't make it any easier to find a solution.

They had gone down 4 times for a couple of days. They had finished to set up the radiation shield and lighted up in the first one, which meant that they were really to start working on the caves to build the bunkers against the eclipses, and for that they needed some help from the Eligius prisoners, who were miners, so they woke up 5. Although, without Diyoza they weren't that happy to worked with them, but at the end they not just help them a lot, Emori and Murphy got them to be more open and friendly with the rest of the crew, so the construction was going well. All these things went through Bellamy's head while he was trying to remember, but at the end he gave up and looked at the girls in his arms who had just move to put her head over his arm, she hadn't had inactive all that time neither.

Clarke had her focus on Madi. She had set some time for Madi to study other thing aside from her training with Gaia. She made her read some of the books they had brought with them, and was teaching her some basic medicine with the help of Abby, who suddenly was determined to finish Clarke's medical knowledge that was interrupted because of her incarceration. Madi was delighted with this, she had a wonderful actitud for medicine, which Abby said it reminded her of Clarke when she was starting, thing that Clarke was very proud and was one of the things she never got tired to talk with Bellamy about, and that he actually love to hear. Although that was actually something that worry Clarke, Madi would try to use their lessons as an excuse to not go train with Gaia. After their last conversation Clarke hadn't been able to make Madi said why she bursted like that, but her behavior betrayed her, and Clarke wasn't the only one to noticed, Gaia was worried too. Because of this, Clarke has set days and hours for each lessons, reading, fighting, practice and meditation, this way she wouldn't be able to avoid it until she actually said why she wanted to, though Clarke had a pretty good guess. Since them she had been supervising all sessions with Gaia and Echo, that has much as Clarke, wanted to kill time and have something to do in her captivity, so she was helping with Madi's fighting.

She still was hell bend on not making decisions, but that didn't mean that Bellamy couldn't get his way to get her help. They spend every free time they had together , plus the times Bellamy just kidnapped her from her lessons with Madi for a quick kiss. They had decided not to tell anyone about their relationship yet, so their meeting place was Bellamy's room, they could spend hours just talking and kissing, one time they didn't noticed and spend the whole night awake talking, and the rest of the day feeling sleepy. They talked about everything, Madi, Octavia, their friends, their worries, anything they never had even think they could talk, and of course the decisions that Bellamy need it to make. Although Clarke wasn't directly telling what to do, her opinions and ideas were the best way for Bellamy to feel reassured and decided what to do, it was just like they were making the decisions together like before, just that Bellamy was the only face the others saw.

Clarke had become more open with the rest of their friends. She spend an surprising amount of time with Octavia and she even started getting closer to Echo, and although her relationship with Raven was still tense, it stopped been awkward. She had also decided to olympically ignore Murphy, after he got close to her , opened his mouth and nothing came out,just to go back to his steps, for the four time. Clarke had finally was starting to feel that she belonged and Bellamy couldn't help but be thrilled to see her smile so often. At this thought Bellamy smile and caressed her sleeping face.

He check what time it was, it was kinda late, he had assumed that he had woke up early for the nightmare, and that was why he woke up before Clarke, that was the one who always woke up first than him. If he thought about it all this week Clarke had woke up later than normally, she would always be dressing when he woke up, but this last days she was still in bed with him and woke him with a kiss. He must had been a bad influence, he thought, and then he leaned and kissed her to make her woke up. Clarke joined the kiss a second later an started opening her eyes as she was reluctant to wake up.

- Morning babe- Bellamy said with a grin.

- Morning - she said back as she lift her face to kiss him again - babe? That's new- she said with a laugh

- you over slept, are you feeling okay?- he asked a little worry.

- I am fine I just had a long day - she said starting to getting up , just be pulled back by Bellamy, who with just one move got on top of her and started kissing her deeply and long.

- Oh, God, Bellamy - she said after he freed her mouth and continued with her neck , she was holding on to his back - we are late... oh...

- Yeah, well.. we will still be late in 40 min- he said starting stripping her from her clothes.

the only thing Clarke could do was laugh, she really didn't have any will with him, so she gave up and decided to follow the feeling that was growing in her lowest part.

Hello guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far, ( is my first fanfic) , if you want to comment I would really appreciated to hear your feedback .
As Bob say "Be well , be kind"❤️

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