The last parent

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Bellamy felt like someone just shot him a paralyzing dart. He had lost the ability to talk, let alone move. Raven's words felt like something abstract, something surreal. As the words tried to find their way into Bellamy's mind , he felt the rest of the world slowing down, while a million of thoughts started to pop in his head. Clarke. Clarke was pregnant. Clarke was pregnant with his child. His Child.

A overwhelming feeling filled Bellamy's chest. The effect was so strong that he recovered part of movement in his body, and had to give some steps back to recover his equilibrium. The feeling was a mixed between happiness and fear. He was gonna be a Dad...

If he made it in time.

Terror for the actual situation just fall on him, and it showed in his face.

- Bellamy... Bellamy!!- Raven was saying, she was starting to regret telling him- are you ok? God Bellamy I am sorry... I just couldn't keep it anymore... not with what is happening.- she waited for an answer that took Bellamy so long to give her that she was tempted to slap him just for him to react.

- I am... I am fine... is just a lot to process.- he tried to keep his thoughts together and focus on what was happening right now. He couldn't let his mind wonder on the possibilities, he needed to act, and fast - Raven... I am not just here waiting. I send Octavia for something, and I need it to be able to figured where they are, otherwise we will be just get lost in the dark or worse.

- But the spies.... - Raven insisted.

- I am not torturing them to get the information- he said more convinced than ever - if you want to tried, which I don't recommend given that you are pregnant, be my guest. But either way those are die-hard believers of the primes, they would be harder to crack than Lincoln not to say impossible. Plus, Raven ... this is us doing better. They are still human beings. A pretty fucked in the head humans, but still.

Raven had to give it to him. He had thought this through. But she still was uneasy, she wanted to do something.

- Fine, you right, then at least tell me the plan.

- We are using Red Sun toxin.

- What!!!?

The lab had lower its temperature several degrees, or that was how Clarke felt it. Russell was paralyzed in place, just looking at her, his expression was filled with conflict. Clarke knew that his moral side was fighting against his wish for revenge.

- you are pregnant? - he asked as if he need it to see Clarke's reaction to confirm it, and he did. Clarke couldn't think in how to deny it or why. She knew that this way he would have trouble hurting her, and that was good for her. But she felt uncomfortable with him knowing something so personal. She didn't even had have the chance to tell Bellamy, and now Russell knew. She limit herself to not looking directly at him, and to say nothing.- you are.

- Since when do you care about that?- she asked him. - you never have a problem on stealing my future, my life, my body. Why would you care about my child?- Clarke choose her words carefully, she wanted him to feel guilty, to get angry and uncomfortable and leave just enough time for them to escape.

- I am not a soulless man Clarke- he simply said - I am actually admiring the irony of the situation.

- Irony? - Echo asked - the real irony is that you want to kill us for doing to your family what you intended do to us. What came be more ironic than that.

- not killing me because I am having a child- answer Clarke as she was tired of this conversation- when I am the reason his child is dead. He can't call himself a righteous man when he kills a pregnant woman for his own gain.

- you right, maybe I can't kill you - he said - but I can make you feel what I feel. Watch how I kill your family and knowing that is your fault.

His words gave Clarke shaking chills, she didn't know what to do , she knew that he had just realized an alternative more cruel and satisfying for him. She was out of words.

With terror Clarke saw Russell take out a syringe with dark liquid. She struggled in her chair , totally forgetting the knife she had under her sleeve. Next and in front of her, Echo and her mother did the same, they knew that it was futile but they couldn't stand doing nothing and wait for their death.

- you know Clarke, in my time we had a little game- started saying Russell while he pace torturously slow around Echo and Abby, his voice had a sinister tone that made Clarke have the same frightening feeling that she had before.- is a funny way to count , to decide something. - he stood between Echo and Abby and started singing- Eeny - He pointes the syringe to one - meeny- to the other - Minnie, moe- this is- other - the one - I choose.

He stood there looking at his choice and gave a sinister smile to her, and then to Clarke before he said.

- Well, I guess I would see my wife again. - and before Clarke and Echo could screamed , he stabbed Abby in the neck with the syringe.

- NOOOO!! ABBYYYY - Echo screamed while she tried to break free of the chair.

- NOOOO!!! MOM NO, MOMMY NOO- Clarke had tears streaming down her face. She couldn't conceive it. While she saw the life leaving Abby's eyes she realized she had lost her mother forever. Abby wouldn't be able to help her through her pregnancy anymore. She wouldn't be there to deliver her child. She wouldn't have anyone to asked for advice. No one to console her. She was left alone. Alone as the rest was. She was an orphan now. The last of the parents of the Ark had died.

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