A Cold Head

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Bellamy stayed silent for a minute while the rest looked at him, waiting for orders. The first impulse that he had was to scream,  sent everyone to hell and run to look for Clarke, but he knew better. He knew that he needed to act smart about it, so with the information that he had he plan.

- Okey, this I what we are gonna do- he started saying to everyone- they still must be watching us, and thinking we haven't noticed that people is missing, and we need to keep it that way ... for now. Right now we are going to go and very casually tell everyone in the camp what is happening and that they should not react. Then we are setting a trap.

After Bellamy gave all the instructions everyone followed them as fast and carefully as they could.

Bellamy knew that going aimlesly through the forest would not help, because they would end up lost or worst, so if he wanted to know where they had taken them, who better to ask than the ones who kidnaped them in the first place. The plan it was simple, Raven seeing how the people of Sanctum was left unprotected for all the sides when their lower the shield all at once, she added a alternative to their design, each part between towers had a switch to just turn that part of the shield off, while the rest of the shield remained intact, it was a tricky thing to do given that all the shield was connected but she made it, and that was their advantage. While a group created a distraction as it was a fire and made them focus on them, others would be waiting to lower the part of the shield where the spies were, they paralyzed them and get them in the 10 seconds that the shield was down, that way if there were others closed their wouldn't heard anything and wouldn't retreat.
By the time the first group extinguish the fire, they had captured 7 spies around the trees, and having made sure they are no more they put the in the middle of the camp tight and gagged, after receiving the antidote, for Bellamy to decide what to do.

- so, who which one of you is gonna tell me where is my people?- he said to what he could identify where 3 man and 4 women, who just looked at him in rage and fear - you decided how this is gonna go. The easy way or the hard way.

Bellamy heated the thought of torturing, especially when he knew that this wasn't really these people's fault, but he knew that he would do it if he had to. Clarke's life was in play here and no one would dare to stop him. The thought of Clarke made him get more anxious, he knew she wouldn't approve of this, she would say that it had to be another way. And just like that Bellamy thought of something. Seeing that no one had intentions to talk he said.

- Fine, as you wish- he turn around- Miller put them in a tent for the moment- and after Miller noddedstrands and with the help of others take them away he looked for Octavia- O , I need you to do something for me.

Clarke woke up in alarm and a strong smell that reminded her of alcohol and bleach assaulted her nose, she could feel the biggest headache she had ever experienced, she felt weak and saw blurry for the few first minutes. The first thing she saw clearly was a arm with 2 straps restraining it tight to a chair. When she followed to the rest of the body she saw Echo's unconscious face. This image made her remember everything that had happen and panic started rising in her chest. She tried to move and realized that she couldn't, the same straps that were on Echo were on both her arms too. This did nothing but increase her uneasiness. She tried to control her breathing, she was shaking uncontrollably and she knew that right know she needed a clear mind. She looked around and almost screamed when she saw that her mother was on a chair in front of her, and as Echo was still unconscious.

She kept trying to calm herself and studied her surroundings. She was in what it looked like a old laboratory, which reminded her a lot to the lab that was in Sanctum, just that this looked dirty. The walls were yellowish and also some of the furniture, but the rest seem really organize and clean. Then she remembered the smell that she woke her, this room had been cleaned recently and also supplied fully. The fanatics had been busy while they weren't spying them. She didn't need to wonder who had kidnapped them, she already knew, Russell. The fact that the only ones that he send for were them three just confirmed Clarke's theory. He wanted their blood.

When Clarke thought of this she realized that to make the procedure he would have to use certain instruments and she a plan started to take shape in her head. She examined everything inch of the room and saw some useful things. About 20 min since she woke up her mother and Echo started to do it too.

- Hi- said Clarke when she saw this, and also saw them having the same initial reactions that she did- don't struggle so strong, you gonna hurt yourself I already tried- she said to Echo as she saw that she was trying too hard and cut her arm a little with the strap.

- Oh, god Clarke- said Abby as if she just realized her daughter was in front of her .- are you okey?

- As okey as any of us are right now- said Clarke.

- Damn it! - said Echo, and as she remembered something she turn to Clarke - did they hit you ? Did the ..?

- The baby is fine - she said with a sight and giving her a grateful smile, that was the first time she allowed herself to think in her child, every time the thought had tried to surface she suppressed it. She knew that thinking about it just made her anxious and she would started to cry, but now that she had a plan, as rough as difficult it was, she allowed her to do so. She promised herself to get out of here alive, and in one piece.- They didn't hit me , they didn't had the chance, one of them just jumped me and hit me with the syringe. Are you okey? I couldn't see clearly but I saw them injected you.

- Yeah, I am fine - she said - Abby how did they got to you , weren't you inside the shield?

- I thought I was, i was going to the bathroom- Abby said closing her eyes and leaning back- they came out of nowhere. Raven need to put some light on that shield.

-We need to get out of here - said Echo.

- Yeah, about that...- started saying Clarke , but she was cut off with another voice.

- I wouldn't count on that.

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