Chapter 1: My Life

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It was the same thing every day. I went out. Got drunk. Woke up in a different guys bed every day. My parents didn't care about me, only money. They were always gone and didn't even check up on me. I was worthless. I just wanted to get wasted and to forget my whole life.

My parents put me in modeling when I was around 12. So I basically grew up in front of cameras and etc.  I shot a lot for America Eagle , PAC sun, Forever 21 , just basically all the popular teen stores. I loved my friends I met and my crew but my parents pressured me to do every single thing someone offered me. I didn't have a regular life where I could go have a sleepover at my best friends house, it was always work work work.

My parents basically used me for fame and money. I'm 17, about to turn 18 in a couple months which is exciting but my parents will still have control over me because there my managers.

Monday, 7:34 AM

"Tessa ! I told your ass to wake up an hour ago!" My mom yelled bargain through my bedroom door.

"Ughhh!" I groaned.

"I sware if we are late because of you...just know there will be consequences!" She hissed. I rolled out of bed and through on sweats and a t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I then heard downstairs.

"Are you fucking serious right now, Tessa!"my dad yelled. I looked at him confused.

"You know you have a shoot today! Why are you in sweats. My dad said

"Because they give me clothes and do my hair and makeup. I just have to show up." I spat.

"Still. You don't have to embarrass us, looking like that." My mom spat back. I rolled my eyes and we left the house. We finally got to the building and went in.

"TESSA! Finally!" Shay Said as she got up from her pose and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled. Shay is my best friend. She's has been there for me for everything.

"Come on! Let's go! We have shoot to do!" The photographer yelled. I took so many photos and changed into so many outfits for the shoot today and I'm so tired.

"Hey, Tessa we going out tonight. You coming?" Shay asked as all the other girls begged me to come.

"Yes! That sounds like so much fun!" I Said smiling.

"Great, we can all text about it in the group chat later." She said. We all packed up our things and headed out the studio.

"Okay! I'll see you girls tonight!" Shay cheered. All us girls laughed and said bye to each other.

"What does she mean by see you guys tonight?" My mom asked.

"Oh we're going out tonight." I Said getting the backseat.

"The hell you are!" My dad chuckled.

"What! I'm going!" I Shouted back exposing my anger.

"Tessa! Don't you ever raise your voice at your father. You aren't going. You don't even deserve to go out with them." My mom snapped. I just crossed my arms and took a deep breath. I hated my parents. They never let me do anything. They treat me like shit. All they wanted me for what so become a model and give them money.

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