Chapter 17: Debby

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"So you've showed me where you went the high school and where you danced...what else are you ganna show me?" I chuckled grabbing his arm and snuggling up against it from the cold.

"I have one place, I wanna go too." He smiled. We walked a couple blocks and we stopped at a small cute house. I looked at nick confused but he just smiled and walked towards the door, we went in without even knocking.

We walked into the house and it was so tiny and cute. We walked into the living room and seen a cute old lady sitting on the couch. She was tiny and potique.

"Hey, nana!" Nick Said quietly as he gave her a hug and kiss.

"Oh my g-gosh n-Nicholas! I-I m-missed you so much!" She smiled slowly as she tried her best to get the words out her mouth. You could tell she was super old but she was beautiful.

"I kissed you too, nana!" He said looking at her and admiring her.

"A-and who is t-this gorgeous w-woman?" She asked pointing at me and gave me the brightest smile. I blushed and smiled.

"This is my girlfriend, Tessa!" He Said grabbing me and taking me to sit next to him. We all talked about everything in L.A and how everything was going so well. She was the most interesting person I've ever met.

"Nicholas, can you go g-get my m-medicine..." She said couching between each word. He quickly got up and went into the kitchen.

"Are you okay? Want me to get some water?" I ask concerned a I got off the couch to go into the kitchen.

"No no no!" She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back down with a smile. I was confused because she was wasn't couching.

"I just wanted Nick to leave so I could talk to you!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed with her.

"Is he good? Is he treating you good?" She asked placing her warm hands on top of mine. I mailed st her and just admired her beauty.

"He's amazing, Nick...There was something missing in my life. My parents....they treated me horribly. They used me for money and fame. I finally left them and Nick and the guys took me in and helped me with everything. Nick just made me feel wanted and loved." I Said talking off in gaze.

"I'm so so so happy for you guys. You are so beautiful! I'm just so happy he is happy and he doesn't have to go through that crazy mess again-" She said. When she told me that I looked at her confused and didn't know what she was talking about. What did he go through? Why didn't he tel me?

"Wait wh-" I asked but nick cut me off by walking back into the living room. He gave his grandma a pill and water. We said goodbye and left. All I was thinking about on the way back was what happened to him? We got back to Nicks house and I stopped and shook off.

"your fine, just don't listen to her." He Said walking in. We walked in and I went straight upstairs...I didn't want to have Debby make a mean comment or tell me how I should eat more. As I entered Nicks room, I seen our suitcases all packed and set on the bed. I felt Nick behind me.

"Uh...I think your mom wants me gone..." I Said walking towards the suitcases. I grabbed mine and I seen a card key, on the bed. I picked it up and it was a key to a hotel.

"Nick!" I smiled, turning around and blushing.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable and I don't want you to get treated that way, so I got us a hotel for the rest of the trip." He smiled walking towards me. I looked at the card and smiled back at him and hugged him.

"Thank you! I really really wish we could stay but I just-" I explained, sitting on the bed, looking down and playing with the key card.

"Tessa, it's okay. I get it." He said lifting my chin up. We grabbed our luggage and headed downstairs. His mom was no where around, which was weird. I just assumed her already talked to his mom about it. We got in the Taxi and drove to the hotel. We checked in and we both raced to the room.

"IM FINNA BEAT YOU SO MINE AS WELL STOP RUNNING! I laughed as I ran down the hall. I then felt him run passed me and get to the door. I looked at him with an evil look and he opened the door for me. It was a basic hotel but it was so pretty.

We got in and we decided to just chill and watch a movie. We picked one and fell asleep. I woke up an hour later to him sitting at the desk, on his phone.

Instagram Story @_tessakey_

Instagram Story @_tessakey_

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