Chapter 5: Pretty Girl

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"TESSA! Get in here now!" My dad yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked in the kitchen and seen my parents arguing.

"What." I Said.

"Why are you going?" My mo Maia's looking at me up and down.

"Out? With my friends?" I Said with attitude.

"So you think that you can go out when you are grounded. Huh that's funny. No go upstairs change out of that and go to sleep. You have a big shoot tomorrow." My mom said laughing at me as if I were stupid.

"No." I Said bold but on the inside I was so scared because I didn't know what she was ganna do. She turned her head slowly and chuckled.

"Tessa. NOW!" She spat.

"IM DONE! IM DONE WITH YOU AND DAD CONTROLLING ME AND MY LIFE! I CANT DO IT ANYMORE!" I yelled. Both my parents looked at me with disappointment and anger in there eyes. It was quiet for a moment until my mom got up and slapped me right across my face. She was always mean to me but she never ever laid a hand on me...until now. I was shocked and sad. I placed my hand on my cheek and looked at her and tears fell from my eyes. I had no words just tears. I ran out the kitchen and up to my room.

I started throwing everything into bags. I was scared,hurt and angry. I couldn't stay here no more. I didn't care if it ruined my career. I just couldn't do it. I got everything I mostly couldnin my bags and walked downstairs. As I was walking I heard my parents talking.

"How is she such a disappointment?" My dad Said in stress.

"I know. We just did everything to make her perfect but she just can't be perfect." My mom said. Those words hurt so bad but I ignored them and walked out the front door and slammed it so the whole house could shake. I got in my car and drove. I don't know where, I just drove.

I decided to just go to the boys house and act like nothing happened. I just wanted to have a good time and not worry about where I'm going to be living. I pulled up to the boys house and it was packed as usual. I pulled down the mirror in my car and fixed up my makeup. I got out and I went through the backyard to just cool down for a minute. I can hear and see all the people having fun. I just sat down on the swing and I couldn't help but cry a bit.

As I was thinking about everything, I heard the slide door open. I quickly wiped away my smeared mascara and sniffled.

"Tessa?" I heard and right there I knew it was Nick and I didn't have time to deal with his bullshit.

"Yeah, What." I Said with attitude.

"A-Are you crying?" He asked and he sounded worried but I thought he was just making fun of me.

"yes. Nick. I am." I snapped as I turned my head towards him exposing my face. He looked at me shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"Who did that to your face?" He Said walking slowly towards me. It was weird because I never seen Nick this worried about me. I touched my face and started crying more.

"Hey, Tessa...What happened?" He Said as he sat next to me a pulled me into a hug. I told him everything about my parents and how controlling they are and about the situation that happened.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." He Said looking me in my eyes as if he really cared.

"W-Why are you being nice to me?" I asked.

"I know, I was a total dick to you and I'm so sorry. I just...I really don't have an excuse but I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me." He Said. When he was telling me this, I felt so comfortable taking to him and it was weird. I nodded my head and we just locked eyes. It felt like forever and I felt like I just...fell in love with his eyes.

"So! Did you tell Zion about this?" Nick Said quickly jumping back because we were basically leaning in on each other.

", I actually should go. I have to find somewhere to stay now." I Said getting up and brushing off my pants.

" I'm sure the boys will be totally fine if you stayed with us, especially Zion." Nick chuckled. I smiled and nodded.

"Hey, Nick!" A girl said popping her head out the door. Nick looked at the girl and back at me.

"I guess that's my cue but find Zion and tell him everything, I'm sure he will be better help." Nick laughed walking towards the door. I laughed and nodded.

"Oh and get some ice on your cheek, we don't want a pretty girl like you to have a red cheek." Nick Said turning back around and going in the house. I couldn't help but blush.

"Did he just call me pretty?" I Said to myself. I just shook it off and made myself go find Zion to tell him everything.

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