Chapter 11: Screwing

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Next Day

Zion went out with his brother to film some dancing video so I was alone in the house with the other guys, Well that's what I thought. I decided to see if Edwin wanted to go shopping. I got up from the room and walked to his room and he wasn't in there. I then looked in Brandon's and the other boys room but none of them were in there.

I figured they were downstairs so I went and seen but still know one. I was just standing in the middle of the hall, thinking what I should do since know ones here. I decided to just get ready and hopefully someone would be home.

I went up to Zions room and looked through the closet of my clothes. I picked out a cute outfit and laid it on the bed. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower so it could warm up. I closed the bathroom door and took off my jewelry. I stripped out of my clothes and took my hair down and got in the shower.

After the shower, I got changed and brushed my hair and my stomachs started to hurt. I forgot I haven't eaten so I headed downstairs and I turned on the speakers and hooked my phone up to them and blasted the music LOUD. I began to cook a skillet with a bunch of veggies and stuff. One of my favorite songs came on and shit when I say I sung that shit. I SUNG THAT SHIT LOUD.

"See I've been waiting all day
For you to call me baby
So let's get up, let's get on it
Don't you leave me broken hearted tonight
Come on, that's right
Honest baby I'll do
Anything you want to
So can we finish what we started
Don't you leave me broken hearted tonight
Come on, that's right"

I was jumping around the kitchen and singing like I was in a music video. I was in my own world until I heard clapping. I quickly paused the music on my phone and seen Nick smirking and clapping.

"Oh my gosh ! You fucking SCARED ME!" I laughed as I threw a rag at him.

"Sorry! I was enjoying the show!" He laughed throwing the rag back at me.

"I'm guessing the guys aren't home?" Nick Said walking in the kitchen and sitting on the counter as he watched me cook.

"Yeah, it's just me." I Said not facing him as I was cooking my skillet.

"Mmmm nice to know." He said bending over and squeezing my ass.

"HEY! Can't you see I'm cooking!" I Said spinning-around and pointing the spatula in his face as I smirked. He just smirked back at me and opened his legs and pulled my body between them. He smashed his lips to mine and we giggled through the makeout session we were having. I then knew what I was doing and pulled slowly away from him and looked down as I walked to the table.

"What? What's wrong? Nick asked as he hopped off the counter and sat on the chair next to me as he rubbing his hand on my thigh.

"You don't feel guilty Or ashamed of what we are doing to Zion?" I asked felling sick to my stomach.

"I do. I really do. He's my brother but Tess-" nick explained but then the boys ran through the front door. I quickly got up and ran to the stove and act like I was here the whole time.

"YO!!" Austin yelled as he rode his skateboard through the door. The rest of the boys came in.

"Morning baby." Zion said as he came from behind me and kissed my neck a bunch of times making me laughed. I seen a Nick watching us and I slightly pushed Zion away and just smiled at him. I finished cooking my food and sat at the table and ate it.

"What you wanna do today?" Zion asked sitting next to me.

"Ummm I don't know? We can do whatever." I Said.

"Wanna go to the movies?" He Said as he whispered it in my ear.

"The movies?" I said out loud not knowing he whispered it so it could just be us. The boys all looked up.

"YES! GIYS WE GOING TO THE MOVIES!" Edwin Shouted as the rest of the boys got excited. I laughed at them and looked at Zion and seen he was pissed so I stopped smiling.

"Sorry." I mouthed.

"Well I'm ganna go get ready." He Said walking up the stairs still with a sad facial expression. I felt bad and started using my fork and playing with my food. I looked up and seen Nick blow a kiss at me and wink and it totally brightened my mood. I giggled and blushed.

We all kinda freshened up and got and Uber to the movies. After the 10 min drive we got to the booth and asked the guy for 6 tickets to "SpiderMan: Far From Home". We got our tickets and went into the theater and found our seats.

"Hey Tessa, wanna come with me to get snacks?" Nick asked squeezing his way between the seats and people.

"Yeah sure. Babe, here."I Said giving my purse to Zion and getting up from my seat. I followed nick out the theater and to the concessions. We were standing line and discussing what we were ganna get.

"I want R-" I Said to nick but he cut me off.

"Reece's." Nick finished. I looked at him and laughed.

"You think you know me or sum?" I laughed. He looked at me and raised his brow in cocky way.

"Okay well if you think your that good then why do I like Reece's so much?" I teased.

"Because it's the perfect amount of peanut butter and chocolate, if it didn't have the perfect amount of each, you wouldn't like it because the peanut butter would be to much." Nick Said confidently. I was shocked but smiled. Wow. He was just perfect.

"You always have to prove me wrong, huh?" I Said biting my lip. He chuckled and kissed me. I didn't even care who saw which was probably not good.

Zions POV
I was getting ready to go to the movies. I wanted it to just be me and Tessa but the boys obviously heard bout it and invited themselves. We got to the movies and got our tickets and found our seats. Tessa and Nick went to go and get snacks and she gave me her purse when she got up. I then realized she's ganna need her wallet. so I grabbed her wallet and headed out the theater to give it to her. As I turned the corner to the concession stand, I seen her and Nick in line and...he kissed her. I know it wasn't the first one because Tessa kissed back and smiled after. They have been screwing behind my back this whole fucking time!

I couldn't stay here. I was angry and heartbroken. I walked out the theater and didn't tell anyone where I went.

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