Chapter 14: Happy Birthday Aryanna!

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I went into the bathroom where I seen Shay curling her hair in a tight leather skirt and a bra on.

"Ooou since when did you grow these?" I laughed pointing at her top.

"Girl! Don't even start!" She laughed smacking my hands away from her. I laughed and went into my room and found a cute dress that was perfect for the party. I didn't want to Change into it right now, so I just changed into some spandex and a brallet. I didn't care if the boys seen me because they both have seen me undress anyways.

I headed downstairs to get a glass of wine, just to start of because I'm planning to drink all my problems away tonight. I poured myself a half glass and stared out the window above the sink and took small sips.

"Where are your clothes?" Nick whispered as he came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I have to get dress but I'm ganna do my makeup and hair before." I Said turning my neck to meet his eyes.

"Or we could not go and stay here and you don't even have to be dress at all." He whispered in my ear leaving tingles in my body.

"I wish, I wish trust me...but it's Aryana, and you know she means a lot to me and Shay, so I don't really have a choice." I Said smacking his ass and walking upstairs. I curled the ends of my hair and did a light face of makeup. By the time I was putting my dress on Shay and the boys were already ready.

We were ganna take an Uber but I guess Nick said he didn't want to drink tonight, so he drove us. I got in the passenger seat and Zion and Shay got in the back. We listened to some music and talked about stuff for an hour and then got to the club. It looked really packed, which wasn't surprising becuase this club is super popular.

"We are never ganna find a spot to park!" Zion said looking out the window.

"Um actually I think we will..." I Said pointing to a sign that said "Aryana's 22nd Birthday Parking!" We all laughed and Nick pulled into the Parking lot. We got out and Nick took my hand as Zion took Shays. We walked in and damn this party was HUGE!

We walked u pro this big security guys and they asked us our names and we got in. The club was huge, there was DJ playin music and a bar which caught my eye and walked straight towards it.

"Can I get a martini please! Extra strong!" I smiled getting excited for it. The bartender nodded his head and looked at me like I was crazy. I gave him a mean mug and he rolled his eyes and started to make the drink.

"Don't make that extra strong." Nick told the bartender as he cane and sat next to me.

"What? Why?" I poured.

"Cause you know you will regret it in the morning." Nick Said rubbing my back. I gave nick a playfully dirty look and he just chuckled at me.

"Tessa!" I heard a high pitche dvocie shout getting closer.

"Omg! Aryanna! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I screamed as I got up from the stool and hugged her.

"Awh thank you! did you get a drink yet?" She asked.

Actually I did, but someone took half the alcohol out of it." I Said laughing while rolling my eyes and pointing at Nick.

"Come on Nick, you ain't finna let her drink?" Aryana asked while laughing, you could tell she was a bit drunk. Nick just chuckled at her.

"It's not like your her boyfriend! Where's Zion anyways?" Aryanna Shouted. I looked at Nick in a forgetful way. I totally forgot Aryanna doesn't know about everything going on with Zion and I and stuff.

"Actually, Nick i- Actually I don't have a boyfriend." I Said recorrecting myself becuase I remembered...Nick never asked me to be his girlfriend. as I told Aryanna Zion and I broke up and that I was single. When I said that I seen from the corner of my eye, Nick give me a confused look.

"Awh sweetie! You deserve better." Aryanna Said.

"No no no, it was my fault, but we are al logos now so Shay is with Zion and its all good." I smiled. Aryanna looked shocked that I told her Shay was with Zion and that I was actually happy but I'm sure she was just happy for me.

"Wow.crazy. But I'm ganna see who's all here, you better dance with me later!" She laughed walking away. I sat back down at the bar and started drinking my drink.

"What was that?" Nick asked with anger in his tone.

"What you mean?" I asked acting like I didn't know what I did.

"Why did you tell her we are together?" Nick said pointing to the direction she left to.

"Um Cause we aren't? You never officially asked me to be your girlfriend." I Said smirking and raising a brow at him. He laughed in relief and bite him lip.

"You really want me to ask you?" Nick chuckled. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my drink and went out to the dance floor and started dancing. I could feel Nicks eyes on me and I didn't care, I wanted to enjoy myself and have fun. I chugged me drink and danced more sexual, until I seen Shay and Aryanna and a bunch of girls join me. I keep smirking and raising my eyebrows as Nick continued to watch me dance.

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