Chapter 3: Zion

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"Ooouu little girl! Your lucky I don't beat your ass!" My mom screamed as she pulled me in the house. I yanked away from her.

"You and dad suck!" I screamed.

"Stop yelling! Your father is sleeping! You will never go out again! No phone. No laptop. No Nothing!" She said pointing at me in my face.

"It's not like I had a life before anyways!" I screamed as I ran up to my room and slammed my door. I hated it here. I just wanted to leave. Forever. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up to know one home. I went downstairs and tried to go outside to have a breath of fresh air but when I did it was lock from the inside. I seen a little Device next to the door and it was a pin pad.

"They fucking locked me in the house!" I yelled. I literally couldn't leave this house. They are actually crazy! Like how are they ganna trap me inside the house. I couldn't even call my friends or OMG! NO ZION! Shit! He's ganna think I'm ignoring him. I need to get out this house!

I tried checked the windows and they were all locked, but then I remembered the broken window downstairs. I quickly ran down stairs and seen the window. I got up on a stool and banged on the window and it opened. Thank god. I went upstairs and got ready and I got a text from the girls. They wanted to go to the mall and obviously I said yes.
I grabbed my things and I crawled through the window. I got to my car and drove to Shays.
I pulled up to her house and headed inside.

"I know! He was so fine!" I heard Shay laugh.

"Who?" I Said walking into the kitchen as all the girls were talking.

"Tessa!! This guy from the party the other night." She said. I nodded and we al ltalked for a bit and headed to the mall. We got the mall and shopped at a couple of places. I got a couple of things and we decided we wanted to eat.

"" Cecilia Said as she stopped her track. We all looked at her confused.

"What?" Shay asked. Cecilia pointed her finger to apart of the mall and Shay looked where she pointed and froze as well.

"What the fuck is going on?" Aryanna asked annoyed.

"That's the cute guy from the party!" Shay Said getting excited. That's when I looked over and I seen Zion and the rest of this friends. I couldn't help but smile seeing him.

"Come on!" Cecilia Said as she walked towards them. I didn't want to go over by them because I don't know if Zion texted me and he probably thinks I was ignoring him.

"Hey boys!" Aryanna Said.

"Yo!" Brandon Said hugging all of us. We all said hi to each other and I tried to make eye contact with Zion but he was ignoring me.

"We were just about to eat, wanna join us?" Austin asked.

"We would love to!" Shay Said basically rubbing up on Zion. I was so confused but then it clicked. The guy Shay likes at the Party was Zion. We all ate and there was a lot of conversation but one guy I didn't meet at the party was with them and all he was doing was looking at his phone and it was rude to be honest.

"Right Nick." Edwin Said laughing.

"W-What? Oh yeah, right." He said lost in the conversation as he continued to go on his phone.

"Hey, I'll be right back. Ima use the bathroom." Zion said getting up from his seat.

"Yeah, I actually have this shirt to return so I'll be back too." I Said following Zion. Finally we made it out of the food court.

"Zion!" I Said hoping he would stop, but he kept waking. I jogged up to him and stopped in front of him.

"Z, wait." I Said holding his chest from walking. He looked annoyed but I needed to tell him everything.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked.

"Me? Im not the one ignoring your text and calls. I though you were different." He explained as he walked off.

"No! Zion! I promise you I would of texted you but my parents are crazy and the literally locked me in my own house and took away my phone." I ranted. After I told him that he looked like he understood but still was annoyed.

"Well, I just don't think it's ganna work with us..." he said as he walked away. Zion was different. It felt like I need him. I grabbed his arm and grabbed the back of his neck, stood on my tippy toes and smashed his lips to mine. We kissed for a couple seconds until we both pulled away.

"Or maybe we can see where this goes." He chuckled. I smiled and we kissed again. We went back to everyone and they seen us being really touchy while we were eating and they basically knew something was up with us so know one was weird about it.

Next Day

Yesterday I made my way back home without my parents knowing I left. They gave me my phone back but they told me I couldn't stay out passed 10. Which sucks but I didn't complain. Zion wanted me to come over and I texted the girls and they were down. I got ready and didn't feel like putting makeup on so I just changed into some comfy clothes.



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