Chapter 9: Lying

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" WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST DO!" I yelled to myself in the car as I banged the steering wheel. I was so stressed, scared, cruel. I can't believe I did that. I cooled off a bit and went into the house. I don't know how I'm going to face Zion. I got in and seen the boys hanging out in the living room playing forntie. They said hey but I just waved nervously and went up to the room.

I walked in and seen Zion asleep. He was so precious. I felt so bad for what I had done to him. He didn't deserve it. I can't hurt him. I told him I never would. That's why I can't tell him what happened. I didn't want to lose him. As I was watching him, he started to wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled at me as he seen me leaning against the wall watching him.

"Good morning beautiful." He said stretching.

"Morning handsome." I smiled as I crawled on top of him and peaked his lips.

"How was your shoot?" He asked a Shia hands wrapped around my lower back as I was laying on top of him.

"Well my parents switched my whole crew so I don't have anyone I know there but other than that the pictures came out good." I Said tracing my finger over his chest.

"That's fucked up, but know matter who's taking your pictures, you look amazing either way." He flirted. I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"Where did you go after your shoot? You said it was 8:30 -10:30. Zion questioned.

"O-oh y-yeah I-I just um I-I went to Shay for a couple hours." I lied.

"Oh okay. Well I'm starving so..." Zion said as he rolled over on top of me and got up.

"Let's just stay in bed all day!" I groaned. Zion chuckled at me and I got up with him and we went downstairs.

"So who's making breakfast?" Zion Shouted. The boys looked at Zion dumb.

"Bro, it's lunch now." Austin said and Edwin nodded his head. I laughed at there conversation and sat at the island.

"I guess cereal it is." Zion complained. We were all talking and stuff until Nick walked through the door.

"Yo!" The Guys Said to him. Nick said hey and walked in the kitchen. We made awkward eye contact.

"Is your brothers stuff all packed up?" Zion asked as he put the milk back in the fridge.

"U-um Yeah, thanks to Tessa. I wouldn't of gotten everything done if you didn't help." Nick chuckled. My eyes grew big and I could see the confusion on Zions face.

"Wait you told me, you went to Shays." Zion said.

"Yeah, I-I did, and then Nick asked for help so I went there for a bit.." I lied...AGAIN! Zion nodded his head but still looked at me as he thought something was up.

"Okay, well I'm ganna go get ready." Nick said breaking the awkward silence. I bit my lip and looked up at Zion. He just just staring at me.

"Mmh?" I hummed.

"Nothing...nothing." He Said putting his hands up in defense. Zion left the kitchen and went into the living and I took a breath of relief. I then got a text from say, she asked if we wanted to get our nails done and I told her yeah. I went upstairs, put my hair in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. I just wore shorts and a hoodie. I grabbed my wallet and keys, phone and walked towards the door.

"Where you going?" Zion asked as he took off his headset.

"Shay and I are getting our nails done." I Said with my hand in the door handle.

"Ah Okay." Zion said as perked his lips, asking for a kiss. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I walked up to him and kissed him. I got in the car and drove to the nail salon. I told Shay I'm just going to meet her there.

I got to the salon and checked in and as I was picking out my color, Shay walked in.

"Hey!" She said hugging me.

"Hey." I Said hugging her back. We chatted and picked our colors as the girls started our nails.

"So how you and Z?" Shay Said excited. I looked at her with a look and she knew something was wrong.

"Shit.what he do. Cause if I have to beat his ass, I will and you know I-" she said going off but I cut her off.

"Actually...I fucked up." I said ashamed. She looked at me shocked.

"What." She said demanding me for an explanation.

" I went to help Nick out with some stuff at his brothers and we went swimming and We kissed." I Said biting my lip, waiting to hear her response.

"Tessa. W-why?" She asked. I could tell how disappointed she was in me.

"I don't know! Ever since Nick helped me that one night with my parents, I-I just felt something. I know I sound like a whore! I thought it was ganna go away but..." I ranted.

"You can't do that to him. How are you ganna tell him?" Shay asked.

"I-I'm not." I Said scared. Shays eyes opened wide.

"You have to!" Shay yelled. I jumped and looked around the salon because how loud she was. We talked about it more and Shay told me how I have to tell him but I just don't know how.Our nails were finally done.

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