Chapter 13: Ma-Ario Cart

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It's been a couple of weeks since I've been at the boys house. I moved in with Shay Because I knew it was ganna be hard for me to see zion everyday and I know it would be hard for him too. Nick tried to convince me to stay but I just couldn't. Nick has been coming over to Shays a lot and I really realized that Nick was the one I should of been with this entire time. He was all I needed.

I know I should like a bitch but I think Zion and I both knew we weren't ganna least I hope we both thought that. When I was with him he was perfect and everything, but there was something missing and That was Nick. I just really hope Zion will eventually forgive me.

I was getting ready because Nick told me he wanted to take me out for lunch. Nick and I aren't officially dating and I think it's because Of the whole Zion thing, which I get. Nick and I have been hanging out a lot more and he's truly amazing. I got changed into and outfit and put my hair up in a bun.

Nick texted me telling me he was here. I said by to Shay and left. I got in the car and Nick smiled said hi and kissed me.

"So what we finna eat because im hungry!" I laughed holding my stomach.

"Good, cause you nester eat a lot." Nick Said placing his hand on my thigh. I gave him a questionable look. He just smirked at me.

"We going to a buffet." He said smacking my thigh playfully.

"OMG! Thank god!" I cheered as I kissed his cheek multiply times. He just laughed and continued to drive. After a drove that felt like forever, we finally got to the buffet. We got out and went in and started to load my plate with food, as well as Nick.

"So, Do you think Zion will ever forgive me?"  I asked as I sat down and watching Nick sit across from me.

"He just needs time,Tessa. He will eventually he still giving me the silent treatment but I don't think it's ganna last long." Nick said stabbing his fork in his noodles.

"I just feel so bad, like I love him still as a friend and I just don't think he will ever treat me how we were when we were just friends..." I Said putting a mouth full of mash potatoes in my mouth.

"I wish you were still living with us tho.." Nick Said giving me the eye.

"Nick! I cant! You know I can't. It would be so bad. I love you guys for allowing me to stay with you guys but for one it was my choice for leaving home and I have to deal with the consequences and for two, Zion would never let me." I Said getting out of breath from talking. Nick just looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

We ate a lot more and decided to head back to Shays house. Nick was parked in the driveway and I got out the car and he rolled his window down.

"I don't get no kiss?" He said exposing his jersey accent. I poured and kissed him through the window.

"Why you mad?" He chuckled.

"I want you to stay with me." I whined. He rolled up my window and started driving the car away. I was so confused and pissed, until I seen him park on the side of the road and got out the car.

"I thought you just left me!" I laughed, placing my hands on my face, covering my embarrassment. He laughed and hugged me. We got in the house and seen Shay cuddling on the couch with....Zion.

"Zion?" I questioned freezing in my spot. Shay quickly got up and stood on the other side of the room.

"Wait what?" Nick said stepping forward.

"Tessa!" Shay Said smiling awkwardly.

"Wait? Are you guys..." I asked pointing st both of them.

"Surprise?" Shay did sticking out her hands and shaking them. I was so confused and it felt so awkward.

"Shay? Can I see you in the kitchen?" I sis still confused st what I'm seeing. She nodded her head and quickly walked in the kitchen.

"I aware, nothing happened with us while you were dating. He came over a couple weeks again after y'all broke up and I was talking with him and stuff cause you weren't home and it just lead to other things. please don't be mad I'm really sorry." Shay explained.

"No no no Shay, I'm not mad. I'm actually happy Zion is happy and you are too. But I just never Expected that." I Said looking around the room. Zion and Nick then came in the kitchen.

"Tessa? Can we talk?" Zion asked pointing upstairs. I nodded my head and followed him upstairs. We made it to my room and both sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry, I blew up on you and hurt you and all that. I realized we weren't ganna be forever and I think what you did was fucked up but I do forgive you. I think we are better at being best friends and we just thought it was other feelings. So I hope we can just forget what happened and be friends again." Zion ranted. I smiled really big and hugged him.

"Yes! Please! I missed my bestie!" I laughed. We hugged it out and headed back downs to see. Shay and Nick playing Mario Cart.

"Y'all really playin without me?" Zion asked as ran to them.

"You guys lame, I could beat all y'all in Mario cart." I Said sitting on the corner of the couch and scrolling on my phone.

"It's Ma-ario Cart, Babe." Nick Said making the "a" sound like A as in Apple.

"No, Nick it's Mar-rio cart." I spat back. He looked back at me and gave me a mean look. I looked at him with the same look. He then gave the controller to Zion and jumped on top of me and pretended to punch me.

"Ahahhaha!" I laughed covering myself up. We started play fighting until we both got out of breath. We then just watched Zion and Shay play against one another.

"Oky i gottt go get ready for tonight, you coming?@ Shay asked me. I looked at her confused and then at Nick.

"Aryana's party? Tonight? For her birthday!" Shay reminded me.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot! Um yeah, where is it at?" I asked repositioning my self on the couch.

"At that club we went to for My sisters birthday. It's like an hour away from us." She said rolling her eyes.

"Okay okay, no need for the attitude. I'll be up in a minute." I Said slowly getting up fro my He couch.

"Are y'all coming?" Shay asked Zion and Nick. The boys looked at each other and gave each other wide eyes.

"Yeah we will go..." Zion Said with annoyance in his face. I knew the boys rather be here all day play games but they need to come with, especially nick I ain't tryna be bored all night.

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