Chapter 6: Shower Time

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"Tessa! Why didn't you call me! I could of came and picked you up!" Zion said pacing around his room and I was sitting on his bed.

"I know but I didn't want you to get involved an-" I Said.

"I don't care, if I'm busy or anything you call me, baby your face." Zion said placing his hand on my cheek.

"It's fine, I'm done with my parents and it won't happen again." I Said putting my hand on his and grabbing it.

"I just wish I could of been there to help you." He said pulling me under the covers with him. I just snuggled up next to him and fell asleep.

Next Morning

I woke up and seen Zion still asleep but I heard a bunch of rambling down stairs. I just up and put on a hoodie and headed downstairs. As I opened Zions door, I stepped out and bumped in Nick.

"Ou shit!" Nick Said grabbing my waist so I wouldn't fall down the stairs. He pulled me up right.

"Oh my gosh, Im sorry!" I laughed.

"Nah nah you all good." He laughed. We both walked downstairs and seen the boys cleaning up from the party.

"Nice for you guys to wake up, so you can help." Brandon chuckled as he handed us both a garbage bag. Nick and I looked at each other and laughed. We cleaned up the house and just chilled with the guys till Zion woke up.

"Hey baby." Zion said coming down from the stairs shirtless and kissing me as he snuggled into me on the couch. I didn't mine Zion doing that ever but this time it was weird because Nick was right next to us and I could seen him watching. I don't know why I was uncomfortable with Zion doing. That in front of nick, it was weird.

"Y'all I'm going out with Maggie, I'll be back later." Brandon Said going out the front door. I was on my phone and I got a text from the group chat. The girls asked if we wanted to go bowling.

"Hey, the girls wanna go bowling, y'all down?" I asked to who ever was in the room.

"Yess I need to get out the house." Edwin Said

"Haha Okay, Austin? Nick?" I asked.

"Yeah sure will go." Austin said.

"K, ima get ready, soo you need to get off me." I laughed pushing Zion off me.

"Mmmhhh." He moaned as he tightened his grip around me. I struggled to get out his grip but he eventually let me go. I headed upstairs and showered. As I got in the shower and washed my body and hair. As I was felling the warm water hit my body. I saw a bucket full of cold ice water pour all over me.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" I screamed as the water hit my body. I heard laughing and then all of a sudden the curtain dropped and I felt a body fall into the shower.

"NICK!!" I screamed as seen Nicks body get stacking wet and he was literally on top of me. I tried to quickly grabbed the shower curtain and covered my whole body.

"FUCK!" Nick yelled as he tried his to get out the tub but he kept slipping.

"BRO WHAT THE FUCK!!" Zion screamed a She yanked Nick out the shower. I quickly stood up and and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me because I heard Zion yelling. I ran out into the hall and seen Zion I top of Nick.

"WHY THE FUCK WERE YOUNIN THE SHOWER WITH TESSA!!" He yelled pulling Nick by his collar.

"ZION! STOP! GET OFF HIM!" I Said trying to pull him off while Edwin and Austin helped. They eventually got Zion off and were holding him back.


"Edwin and I were just pulling a prank! We poured a bucket off ice water on her and I slipped Bro! I aware!" Nick yelled. I looked at Zion and he looked so pissed.

"Zion, just relax." I Said pulling his face to be lined up with mine. He took a deep breath and pulled me in his room.

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