Chapter 19: Merry Chrismtas

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I realized I couldn't stop him, so I just tried to relax. I unzipped my dress and let it fall off my body. I ran the bath and let it fill up. I took off my makeup and put my hair in a bun. I walked to the mini bar in the room and poured my self wine. I got in the bath once it was filled and filled it with loads of bubbles. I just relaxed and drank my wine.

30min later...
I heard the door open and my eyes shot open from the loud slam. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset him more. I then heard a light knock of the bathroom door.

"Come in!" I Said. He opened the door and I seen his shirt unbutton and his tie off his neck. He looked super stressed.

"How did it go?" I asked sitting up .

"...good...I told her if she isn't going to have a good relationship with you than you won't with me and she was heartbroken but told me she will try. Ever since the situation with my dad, she doesn't want me to get hurt again so she wants to be the only woman in my life but I explained that I loved you and I want to be with you." He Said sitting on the side of the tub. I smiled and my eyes started to tear up from his words.

"...nick...." I cried and smiled. He smiled back and grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Wow! So much for Christmas Eve in Jersey!" Laughed sniffling and wiping away my happy tears.

"So? You have any room in there?" Nick chuckled, squishing his hand in the water.

"I think I can make some room..." I smirked, pulling his shirt and pulling him in the tub. The water slashed and the bathroom was filled with giggled and kisses.

December, 25th
Christmas Day

"Merry Christmas baby!" Nick said rolling over to me and pulling me into a kiss.

"Merry Christmas! I smiled, kissing him with my eyes closed. We snuggled in Bed for a bit, watching a Christmas movie into we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other confused.

"Who is it?" I asked nick.

" I have no idea?" He Said getting up and walking to the door. I crawled to the end of the bed peaking over to see who it was. Nick opened the door and no one was there. I got up and walked to the door and stood behind him. I looked down and there was breakfast on a tray of pancakes, bacon,eggs and toast and on the pancakes it said that said "happy holidays!" Drizzled in chocolate with strawberries.

"Oh my god!! This is so cute!" I Said bending down and picking it up and bringing it into our room.

"Yo! That's dope!" Nick Said. I pulled out my phone and started taking pictures of it.

"Really. You have to take a picture of it." Nick complained.

"Memorizes!" I laughed.

"I'm still tired!" Nick said jumping in the bed and getting under the covers.

"Go ahead, I'll wake you up when you have to get ready. we have to go to your moms for brunch..." I said in a mean tone.

" ooh yeah...okay." Nick Said practically dozing off. I rolled my eyes and laid next to him.

Instagram story @_tessakey_

After scrolling through social media, I decided to start getting ready, so I showered and changed into my outfit

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After scrolling through social media, I decided to start getting ready, so I showered and changed into my outfit. I did my makeup and slicked my hair in a high pony tail. I walked out the bathroom and seen Nick still asleep.

"Nick, babe, you gotta wake up." I Said playing with his hair.

"Mmmhhhh!" He groaned, as he stretched. He finally woke up and jumped on the shower. After his shower, I was sitting down about to eat the cute breakfast.

"Let me have a bite!" He demanded, coming out from the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. I smiled and cut the pancake and fed it to him.

"Here! With your big ass!" I joked. He looked at me and grabbed me in his arms as he was still dripping wet.

"NICK!! Stop!! Your wet!! YOUR GANNA GET MY OUTFIT WET!" I laughed but also yelled because he really was going to distroy my outfit. He just laughed confused to squeeze me.

"I will pull of this towel!" I yelled. He just contuited to laugh. I grabbed the from not of the towel and looked at him. He smirked and I just rolled my eyes and pushed him off me. I looked down at my shirt and seen wet stain.

"NICK!!! IM GANNA KILL YOU!" I yelled as I took off my shirt and placed it in the air vent so it could dry.

"Mmhhh! You can kill me any day with your shirt off!" Nick smirk looking at me in my laces tan bra. I tried hard to stay mad and not blush but I failed. He grabbed my waist and kissed me, he trailed his hands up to my bra clip and tried to undo it.

"" I laughed pushing him away.

"Come on...why not?" He asked chuckling.

"Becuase we are already late for your moms brunch!" I Said taking my shirt and smacking him with it. He whined and got ready.

11:05 am

"Nic? Have you seen my necklace?" I asked searching the whole room.

"No? Wait which one?" He asked from the bathroom.

"The one you gave me a couple weeks ago." I sis stressed becuase we were already late to the brunch.

"Ooohhh your talking about...this one!" He said smirking as he held up my necklace in his hand coming out from the bathroom.

"Yes! Thank god!" I Said in relief taking it from him. He pulled it away from me.

"Nick! Come on!" I complained. He smiled and gestured me to turn around. I rolled my eyes and turned around and he put the necklace on me and kissed my neck a couple times.

"Okay okay stop! We gotta go m! We are already 5 mins later!" I Said grabbing my things and basically pushing him out the door. We tried to get a taxi but none of them were stopping. We finally got one and told them to speed there. I'm so stressed because Debby's already hates me and is going to hate me even more now that we're late to Christmas Brunch!

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